Mrs. Sheldon's Class

Week 37

May 13th-May 17th

What a great Warrior Week! I had so much fun watching your rockstars learn teamwork and encouragement! I hope you had fun watching your leader dress up and participate! I hope all of you are having a Happy Mother's Day ( make sure to grab your sweet gift from your first grader!)

This week will be a pretty normal week for us schedule wise! Please note that students do have homework this week. You will see a total of 20 words on students' backpack pages; however, students will only be tested on the ten that are posted at the bottom of the page/the printable homework page. Please have your child turn in their completed backpack packet on Friday. This will be the last week for homework! Whoo-hoo!

Students have a spelling test and Bible verse test on Friday. They will also have a math test on Wednesday. Please look over the review pages with your child on Tuesday night. 

Your students did an excellent job being lifelong learners through their informational writing project. They have put in so much work into their writing this year and I am so proud of them!

Memory Verse:  

 Daniel 2:20-21 - “Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever, wisdom and power are His.  He changes times and seasons; sets up kings and deposes them.  He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.” 

Weekly Homework:

Daily Homework: 

Behavior Chart/Log: