Mrs. Sheldon's Class

Week 36

May 6th-May 10th


Our Warrior Week (Christian Education Week) is Here!  Please check out the dress up day! Each morning our rockstars will complete in fun morning games. These games will be right after morning line up so please have your students on time so that they are able to put their backpacks under our classroom windows, and then line up!  Please have your leader dress in their team's color on blue and white day (Friday.)  I have the list of teams listed below. Please check that out so you know if your child is dressing in white or blue on Friday. Also, on Friday there will be field games, so please send your leader in tennis shoes!

Penny wars started on Friday! Please send your child with coins/dollar bills to donate to our class and cancel out other classes' money earned. (Pennies and dollars count for our class, sliver coins cancel out money earned when placed in other classes' jars.)

For Literacy, we will be going through unit 15 in one week and unit 16 in another week. We normally have two weeks to complete each unit, so some things will be combined to finish in a weeks time. You will see a total of 20 words on students' backpack pages; however, students will only be tested on the ten that are posted at the bottom of the page/the printable homework page. Please have your child turn in their completed backpack packet on Friday. 

We are officially done with Rocket Math! Please continue to work with your child on fact fluency over the summer. Knowing their addition facts will help them excel in second grade!

I am so proud of your students for doing such an excellent job solving two-digit addition facts! They really seem to love the regrouping (or add all the totals) process. They have matured so much this year and it really shows as they use multiple steps to solve math problems!

In Bible, we will be learning about how the Israelites disregarded the prophets wise words that God would send, and eventually their disobedience led to exile and captivity. We will be talking more about the Judeans exile to Babylon and how there was still a remnant of those who trusted God and believed in His promises! We will be taking a deeper look at the stories of Daniel and Esther and how they followed God and believed in him no matter the cost! 

White Team

Kylie Cuelho

Bridget Harrel

Waryn Jackson

Emmie Mouw

Benjamin Robinson

Evelyn Wilgenburg

Leandro Zuniga

Blue Team

Hailee Bettencourt

Nicki Bommelje

Jordan Contente

Larryssa Contreras

Bernadette Eck

James Feldman

Jase Lawrence

Luke Lovrencevic

Audrey Marchese

Layne Polder

Elisa Ramos

Aaron Ssenfuma

Mason teVelde

Bible Verse

Psalm 145:19-20

“He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him; He hears their cry and saves them. The Lord watches over all who love Him, but the wicked He will destroy.”

Weekly Homework:

Daily Homework: 

Behavior Chart/Log: