T-ball & Pee Wees

We are excited for the changes you see in this year's T-ball and Pee Wee Leagues!  The biggest change will be in format.  In previous years, participants focused on drills.  This year, players will have a 15-minutes skills-building session at the beginning of practice and immediately go into scrimmage!  We will focus on learning through doing.  This will require a lot of coaching and player support in the field.  Volunteers of any (or no) skill level are greatly appreciated!!!  The second change is that this year all players will receive team shirts!  You can't be on a team without a jersey!!! And lastly, as you may have already noticed, we named our second-level league.  We are now the Pee Wee league!

T-Ball  Kindergarten-1st Grade (grade completed 2022-23)

$30 registration fee (includes T-shirt)

Dates: Mon & Thurs: June 5th – July 13th | 5-6 p.m.

Location: UMM Baseball Soccer Field, Morris 

T-Ball players will begin to learn the fundamentals and rules of the game in an encouraging and nurturing setting.  Every practice will begin with a 15-minute warm-up period followed by a team scrimmage.  Scrimmages will last approximately 3 innings or about an hour and forty-five minutes.  All players will bat off a batting tee through the lineup, every inning.  Players will have an opportunity to play in both infield and outfield positions.  Games are not scored and there are no season standings. A lot of parent support and participation is needed.

Pee Wee League 2nd-4th Grade (grade complete 2022-23)

$30 registration fee (includes T-shirt)

Dates: Mon & Thurs: June 5th – July 13th | 5-6 p.m.

Location: Mondays - UMM Baseball Baseball Field, Morris

                  Thursdays - UMM Soccer Field, Morris

The Pee Wee division emphasizes the development of players and fosters a better understanding of the game. The goal is to ensure all players expand their knowledge of the sport in a structured manner.  Players experience a low level of competition without emphasis on winning or losing. Key concepts learned are field play, base running, and fundamentals. All defensive positions will be covered. Games will be coach-pitched and players will be rotated in all positions.  Scores will not be recorded and there will not be season standings.