Class Officers Duties

Class Officers Duties

Section 1: The Duties of the President shall be:

  1. Preside over all class meetings

  2. Appoint all committee chairpersons with the aid of the other officers and with the aid of the appointed chairpersons, appoint all committee members.

  3. In conjunction with the Vice-president, oversee all projects and activities

  4. Exercise the power of veto, with the advisor’s counsel, on all class actions taken where deemed necessary. A two-thirds majority vote of the class shall be necessary to override a presidential veto.

  5. Maintain an accurate file pertaining to the office.

Section 2: The Duties of the Vice-President shall be to:

  1. When notified by the advisor, preside over all class activities in the event the President is unable to preside.

  2. Assume the duties of the President during a prolonged absence of the President, or in the case the office becomes vacant.

  3. If the Vice-President becomes the President, in a special election, the students will elect Vice-President.

  4. Perform any duties assigned by the President.

  5. Maintain an accurate file pertaining to the office.

Section 3: The Duties of the Secretary:

  1. Record the attendance of all class meetings

  2. Keep accurate minutes of all class meetings

  3. Report the financial situation of the class at all meetings

  4. Handle correspondence of the class

  5. Perform any duties assigned by the President

  6. Maintain an accurate file pertaining to the office

Section 4: The Duties of the Historian shall be to:

  1. Record and report on class Events

  2. Present committee reports to the class

  3. Perform any duties assigned by the President

  4. Maintain an accurate file pertaining to the office

Section 5: The Duties of the SCA Representative:

  1. Attend all required SCA meetings as a voting member

  2. Act as the representative of their class to the SCA

  3. Report on all SCA activities to the class

  4. Maintain an accurate file pertaining to the office.