Mary T. Christian Library


Welcome to the Mary T. Christian Elementary School Library! Students visit the library once a week for regular library lessons and book checkouts (Monday through Thursday). On alternating weeks, students visit on Friday for MakerSpace activities.

Book Checkout Policy

Kindergarten:  Students check out one book each. These books are placed in the classroom library.

Grade 1:  Students can check out two books.

Grades 2 & 3:  Students can check out three books.

Grades 4 & 5:  Students can check out four books.

Bookshelves with the words "Reading books makes you better"

About Your Librarian

Mr. Malcolm Carpenter is the teacher librarian at Mary T. Christian Elementary.  He loves to read, write, and create amazing things with children.

Contact Information

Phone:  757-850-5417

Today a reader, tomorrow a leader!