Summer Opportunities and Resources

Professional Learning

Click here to check out what is going on this summer for school climate.

Rejuvenate 2018 is the summer learning conference for all staff members that support PreK-8 students. Come celebrate our 8th summer learning together. Learn more by visiting the Rejuvenate website. Get registered and click here.


Looking for ideas of how to close out the school year on a positive note with students?

Social Emotional Learning Resources for the Classroom

Fall 2018

What is culture and climate?

A safe and nurturing environment for HCS students, staff and community members includes three elements that must be addressed in order to accomplish our goals. This first element is physical. Physical environments must be inviting and comfortable as well as secure, ensuring that students and staff can focus on teaching and learning, free from concerns about physical safety. The second element is emotional safety – students, staff and community members should feel valued and welcomed, and have access to resources needed for success. Elements of emotional safety are best achieved through intentional and engaging relationship- building grounded in equity and cultural competence. The final element is an environment with minimal disruptions, ensuring teaching and learning are the primary focus.