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Glenn Curtiss Author Visit - Matthew McElligott

May 2020

by Matthew McElligott

by Matthew McElligott

by Matthew McElligott

Aaron Reynolds is an author who wrote books like Creepy Carrots, Creepy Pair of Underwear, Dude! and Nerdy Birdy. Check out his "Staying at Home Show" that he made at his house!

Enter the "Who Knew Haiku Contest" sponsored by Scholastic, Inc. This contest is for students in grades 2-6. Entries must be received by May 15, 2020!

Describe your favorite book in a way that makes others want to read it! And hear is the FUN part! Write it as a haiku!

The first line is 5 syllables, the second link is 7 syllables and the third line is 5 syllables. Click on the picture at right to see more details!