Miss Poltorak

2nd Grade Special Education Teacher

You can contact me the following ways: email- poltorakk@hamiltonschools.org

phone- 609-625-6600 ext. 2048

If it is an emergency and you can't reach me, please call the office at ext. 6116.

If your family does not have internet access or the technology to complete the online virtual-learning assignments, please call 609-476-6137 for additional information.

For more information please visit Ms. Steelman's page.

To access Google Classroom please click here.

Google Classroom

Classroom code: l3nji5u

Username: lastnamefirstinitialbirthday@students.hamiltonschools.org

ex.: smithj0204@students.hamiltonschools.org

Password: Lunch pin

To access Google Classroom please click here.

Class List

Liam, Robert, Jordan, Alex, Camryn, Aubree, Noah, Evan, Sha'naaya, Vivianna, Josiah, Vinny, Taliyah, Lainey, Krisette, Sofia, Joshua, Mahlia, Luis.