Silver Spring 

Student Council


All members must purchase a shirt for     student council

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(Proceeds go the scholarships for camp and supplies)

Application to be a COMMITTEE LEAD (open to 6th and 5th graders)

Application for Vice President (open to 5th graders only)

A Thank You

I just wanted to thank you again for the amazing work you and the kids of student council do and your willingness to collaborate with us at Christ Our Savior for TACOS!  The group that came on Sunday to stuffing stockings was phenomenal and packed over 85 stockings for families at SOS, our confirmation kids packed the rest in the evening for our Milwaukee friends at Hephatha Lutheran Church.  You all have seriously helped make a difference in so many lives this holiday season and we can't thank you enough!  I'm looking forward to our next collaboration!


Wade Crevier

Director of TACOS

"We Rise by Lifting Others"

Mrs. Sankey

Mr. Fox

How do you feel?

                  We feel great.

                               OH, WE FEEL SO GREAT!         

“If you work hard enough and assert yourself and use your mind and imagination, you can shape the world to your desires.”– Malcolm Gladwell 

My training is the reason I survive.

It keeps me grounded in hard times.

It keeps me set on the goal at hand,

And gives me the strength to be a better human.


It gives me the courage to humble myself;

To lead by example, always lending to help.

Knowing that I can't do it on my own.

That it takes many hands to make a light load.


This skill that defines me not many possess.

It is hard to come by and even harder to resist.

To lead by servitude is a not an easy task,

But it always makes more bonds that will last


See the reason that I say it is so rare.

It is not because of any burden a leader might bare.

No not in fact to do with a leader at all,

But being a servant now that's why I stand tall.


It's the hardest thing I have ever done,

And the best prize that I could have won.

To see the accomplishment of those I lead,

As they marvel at all their own spectacular deeds.


You know you orchestrated it from behind.

And was there for most of the time.

But the beauty that they did it on their own,

And got to use you to help with their load.

Well I'll tell you this there's no better prize,

Than to lead in this servant kind of life

(shared by Sydney Johnson, 2022