Practice Problems


Unit 1 - Practice Problems (the College Board has these in a somewhat different order) | Basic Economic Concepts

Comparative and Ab. Adv. - Comp + AA Problem Set

Comparative and Ab. Adv. - Comp + AA Problem Set (Answers)

Unit 2 (the CB treats this Unit 1) and Unit 3 - Practice Problems | Measurements of Economic performance + National Income and Price Determination (the CB treats this as Unit 2)

Unit 4  - Practice Problems (the CB treats this as Unit 3) | Financial Sector

Unit 5 - Practice Problems (the CB treats this as Unit 4) | Inflation, Unemployment, and Stabilization Policies

Unit 6 + 7 - Practice Problems (the CB treats this as Units 5 and 6) | Economic Growth and Productivity + International Trade and Finance