Mount Vernon Exploratory School

Learning Commons

Welcome to the Mount Vernon Exploratory School Learning Commons! Our newly renovated Learning Commons is the perfect place for students to explore, create, investigate, collaborate, read, learn, and so much more! We have big comfy chairs to curl up and read a book on, lots of tables for projects, activities, and studying. Our Learning Commons is also home to a brand new green screen room that is perfect for video production as well as a beautiful Explore Lab which is used to work on all sorts of projects and stem activities. Please take the chance to learn more about our Learning Commons and media program by exploring our website!

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What is Mrs. Ruis Reading?

Space Case by Stuart Gibbs

Looking for a mystery set in space? Look no further! Space Case is the book for you! Dashiell Gibson, one of the first people to ever live on the moon, is racing to prove that Dr. Holtz's death was NOT an accident. Will he succeed?

Find it in the Science Fiction section!

Look at what we are doing!

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Books give a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything