Upcoming Dates/Events
February 7 - Sweetheart Dance 6:00 - 8:00
February 14th-18th - NO SCHOOL for Winter Break
March 10- i3 Showcase: 3rd-5th grades
March 13- Author Visit: Shanda McCloskey
Alli Roberts, Principal

💡Spotlight on Fourth Grade💡
Fourth grade has been working hard all year and making great connections between content and the real world! We wanted to shine a special spotlight on our most recent field trip to Sparkles Family Fun Center. We had such a great time learning all about how light and sound travel. Students explored the skating rink and found all the speakers and discussed how they work together to make music! Students also got to play a game of laser tag and discuss the effect of reflection and refraction of light!
Bruster's Ice Dates
February 28
March 28
April 25
May 23
Bruster's Ice
Bruster's Italian Ice is offered on Friday once a month. This sweet treat is $2. Send in your child's money by the Tuesday prior. Please label money with "Bruster's" and the child's name.
Hat Day Tickets
Each Friday is Hat Day. Students can pay $1 to wear a hat to school each Friday. We occasionally have free hat days throughout the year when all students can war a hat on those days.
Ice Cream Tickets
A selection of ice cream is available at lunch every day. Ice Cream Tickets are available for purchase in the front office every day. Ice Cream Tickets are $1 each and are redeemed during lunch.
Parent Portal
If you have not set up your parent portal, please do so. Without a portal you will not have access to your child's report card and other vital information. You will use this portal throughout your child's educational journey through Hall County Schools, K-12.
The forms (found under "Documents" in the left menu) need to be completed in order for your child to be able to take their Chromebook home during "School From Home" days, and so we know which children we can highlight on social media. It is also important to complete the census information yearly so we are able to keep your child safe. This information includes who is allowed access to your child during the day and who is authorized to pick-up your child from school.
For additional assistance, feel free to reach out, and we'll be glad to help!
Title I Links
Parent Involvement
Right to Know Letter
Right to Know Signature (Click and sign)
Our next Family Engagement event is coming up!
PTO Links
PTO Meeting Dates
6 PM PL Room
February 10
March 10
April 14
May 12
Wonderful Wednesday
February 19
March 19
April 16
April 4: Field Day Concessions
April 25: Spring Fun Run
May 5-9: Teacher Appreciation Week
PTO Updates
New Venmo Address
PTO has a new Venmo account: @LanierPTO24. The previous account is closed and no longer an option for making payments. Please make this change in your own Venmo account.
PTO Meeting
We encourage you to join us on Monday, February 10 at 6:00 p.m. in the Professional Learning Room for our monthly PTO meeting. At the meeting, we'll be making preparations for Field Day and the Fun Run. Your input is needed and appreciated. Even if you cannot attend the meeting, please contact us at LanierWildcatPTO@gmail.com to see how you might can get plugged in. It takes volunteers to make the events happen, and even 30 minutes of your time can make all the difference in a successful event. Everyone has something to contribute to this worthwhile endeavor of supporting the staff, teachers, students, and families of the LSi3 community!
Chick-fil-A Biscuits
Due to Winter Break, PTO will not be selling Chick-fil-A biscuits in February. However, we'll be back at it on Friday, March 14 from 7:10 a.m. - 7:45 a.m. in the car rider line and in the front office for students getting off buses. The biscuits are $5 each. You can pay via Venmo (@LanierPTO24) but cash is preferred to keep the lines moving quickly.
Chick-Fil-A Biscuits
*on sale at Drop-off $5
March 14
April 18
May 9
Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night
*Dawsonville Location
April 29
Learning Commons Links
Parent Portal
This year's yearbook ⬇
"I Spy Edition"
Please check the Learning Commons Links in the left menu to see our policies and procedures.
2024-25 YEARBOOK
We are using TreeRing again this year for yearbooks. (See theme in left menu)
To purchase your yearbook, click on "TreeRing Yearbooks" in the Learning Commons links in the left menu or send check or cash to Mrs. David in the Learning Commons.
Hardcover yearbooks are $35
Softcover are $28
We are excited to welcome Shanda McCloskey on March 13. She is the author and illustrator of Doll-E 1.0 and T-Bone the Drone as well as illustrator of other vibrant and engaging picture books.
She will be presenting her Robot Research presentation for all six grades.
Autographed books will be available the day of her visit or can be pre-ordered here.
Counselor's Links
Contact Us:
School Counselor: Olivia Reeves
School Social Worker: Madison Grabher
Upcoming Dates/Events
February Counseling Lessons:
Emotions (K-5th)
Career Week at Lanier
This year, LSi3 will be hosting a Career Week the week of March 17th-20th. This year, we will be hosting a Career Week in March to celebrate community vocation and teach students about all the possibilities in their area.
For K, 1st, and 2nd grade students: we will be doing a "Careers on Wheels". Different career fields from around the community will attend with their vehicle and/or equipment and speak to classes about their day-to-day, how they got in the field, and answer any questions! Classes will rotate from person-to-person and each presenter will have 10 minutes to share. This is scheduled for Wednesday March 19th, 2025.
For 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students: we will be doing a Career Expo where different career fields will have booths set up for the students to rotate between. You will be able to bring artifacts, tools, equipment, and more to show the kids and go more in depth with your field. This will be inside the gym during the students' connections time. This is scheduled for Thursday March 20th, 2025.
Depending on your career field, you may wish to be involved in the Careers on Wheels or the Career Expo (or both!).
If you are interested in volunteering your time to speak to our students, please complete THIS Google Form.
School Climate Survey
LSi3 has started administering the GA Department of Education School Climate Survey to all 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. The survey includes 27 questions and you can read the questions for yourself at this LINK.
It is your parental right to opt your student out of this survey if you'd like. If you have already opted your student out of the survey, then you do not need to do anything else. If you have not but would like to, please reach out at olivia.reeves@hallco.org to opt them out.
***Please note: it varies between classes when they are to complete the survey and may have already; so please let me know as soon as possible. A message was sent out on January 13th, 2025 to alert parents of this survey.
Winter Resources
As the days turn colder, we understand that it may be harder than ever to keep up. Below are some resources to help you and your family stay warm and safe this winter! These resources are completely confidential, and no information will be shared with the school. However, if you would like to talk about your family’s specific needs, please reach out to me at Olivia.Reeves@hallco.org.
Habitat for Humanity Retail Store
2380 Murphy Blvd, Gainesville GA 30504
Chattahoochee Baptist Association
Cresswind Community Fund (for grandparents raising grandchildren):
Email: cresswindllfund@gmail.com
Ninth District-Low-Income Home Energy & Water Assistance:
Salvation Army
News This MOnth:
Mrs. Horn, ART - Happy February! This month, students are beginning projects with our very own student teacher, Ms. Warren! Ms. Warren is starting some fun and innovative projects with our wildcat artists as 3rd through 5th graders approach their showcase (stay tuned for that March date!).
As always, I hope you are hearing about all of the amazing art your child has been working on. (We just finished up with clay!) Our lessons take multiple days to complete as we take pride in every little detail! By the time your child's showcase rolls around, they will have multiple artworks to take home! Once your child's portfolio is at home, feel free to keep collecting their masterpieces in one easy and organized place! PLEASE CHECK OUR CLASS INSTAGRAM PAGE @Lanier_Elementary_Artists to take a look inside the art room! 3rd-5th grade parents, keep an eye out for an email from Artsonia notifying you of any artwork your child has uploaded! I will be holding on to most of the artwork in each student's portfolio. The portfolios will go home on the night of our showcase in March.
Coach Gibson and Coach Ledford, PE
We just finished the Heart Challenge in PE! All the money we raised went to the American Heart Association.
February is officially Heart Month! The students learned a lot of facts about how to take care of their hearts during the Heart Challenge.
Cardiovascular exercise is essential for taking care of our hearts.
This month we will be doing a basketball unit as well as other activities that work mainly on the cardiovascular system.
Just a quick reminder to have your child wear tennis shoes on the day they have PE.
Happy Heart Month!
Mrs. Kindberg, SEAD Lab- In February, our SEAD classes are focusing on important skills to help students understand and manage their emotions, build friendships, and develop positive behaviors. Here’s what each grade level will be learning:
Kindergarten: Students will explore the emotions of excited, tired, and frustrated to understand how to recognize and express these feelings.
1st Grade: The focus will be on the importance of manners and understanding the emotions of surprise versus expectation.
2nd Grade: Students will learn about the emotions of frustration and jealousy, and practice how to be a good winner and loser without getting upset.
3rd Grade: The focus will be on being a good friend, how to make up with friends, and the importance of manners.
4th Grade: Students will learn about trying again when things don’t go right, how to make new friends, and ways to join friends in activities.
5th Grade: The focus will be on building positive motivation and learning strategies to stay organized.
These lessons are designed to help students develop the emotional skills they need to navigate everyday situations and build positive relationships
Mrs. Howard, STEM - Hello, Lanier Families! Read below to see what each grade level has been up to in the STEM Lab!
Kindergarten helped our special guest, Pigeon, from The Pigeon Needs a Bath, as they worked in teams to build a buoyant toy for him to use at bath time!
1st Grade has started their next STEM Challenge through the Engineering Design Process! Students are practicing their aerospace engineering skills as they work in teams to build a paper rocket for our rocket launcher! We will soon share our rockets with our homeroom class and measure how far each one can travel!
2nd Grade was introduced to our STEM Lab robot, Dash! Students are learning how to code Dash to program him to complete certain tasks!
3rd Grade is learning about different wheel and axle techniques! They are using their technique of choice to engineer a prototype for the next generation of lunar rovers!
4th Grade started their next STEM Challenge through the Engineering Design Process as they began to build drawbridges with functioning pulley systems. They observed movable bridges from the real world to gather inspiration as they planned their design.
5th Grade is in the Final stages of building their marble runs, which we can't wait to share with you at the next showcase! We hope you will be able to join us!
School nutrition information
Breakfast is served to children each morning from 7:10-7:45. If a student comes in after 7:45 and is in need of breakfast, they will have the opportunity to take their tray to class with them. Our preference is for them to arrive early enough each day to ensure plenty of time to eat their breakfast in the lunchroom and be ready to begin class when the bell rings! Thank you for your support!
February Harvest: Cruciferous Vegetables which are Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower
Lunch charge reports will go home with students each month! Please make every effort to get them paid as quickly as possible. If you need assistance, please see the Nutrition Links on the side of this page to apply for free/reduced lunches.
We are selling chips and other items on Monday, Wednesday and Friday! You must either have money on your account or bring in $1.00 purchase. 😄
Car Rider Alert! Morning drop-off is between 7:10 am and 7:45 am. Students must be dropped at the gym doors where adults are standing and not in the roundabout area, this is extremely unsafe for students. The gym doors will close promptly at 7:45, after that students are tardy and will need to be dropped at the front of the school. Do NOT drop students off without an adult.
Afternoon car riders, please remember that if your student is in K-2nd grades, they are picked up beginning at 2:10. The 3rd-5th grade students, or a sibling of a 3rd-5th grade student, are picked up at 2:20. If your child requires assistance with buckling, please pull forward to the lower parking lot and assist them there. Do not do this in the car rider line. See the diagram here.
We are very fortunate to have a crossing guard to help us in the mornings and afternoons to ensure our line moves as smooth as possible. He has asked that in the mornings, as soon as you see the flashing light (on his hat/uniform), that you will go ahead and turn on your blinker. This will signal to him quickly who will be turning and will hopefully help the line move even faster.
Students WILL be marked tardy if they arrive in car riders AFTER 7:45. Please be sure to have your child here on time each day and in their seat ready to learn at 7:45. Students may begin arriving at school at 7:10.
Thank you for displaying your child's car rider number in the window of your vehicle each day!
All transportation changes must be made in writing by 1:45. Please email all changes to lanieroffice@hallco.org by 1:45.
Students requiring medication, whether prescription or non-prescription, must have a medication form on file in the clinic. All prescription and non-prescription drugs must be in their original containers and turned into the clinic. At no time may a teacher dispense any medication.
Please remember to send in an excuse if your child is out sick.
Talk to your child about washing their hands often and covering their coughs.
The Hall County School District Transportation Department is happy to inform you that the Traversa My Ride K12 Mobile App is now ready for download. Directions for downloading and connecting to Lanier's buses can be found here. Once downloaded, Traversa My Ride K12 Mobile App will enable you to have access to real-time information on the travel status of your child’s school bus. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact transportation at 770-287-0942.
Teacher of the Month for February:
Olivia Reeves, School Counselor
Staff Member of the Month for February:
Julie Benna, Kindergarten Paraprofessional