CHS Chorus News

Concert Attendance & Etiquette

Because we are a performance-based class, it should be understood that EVERY student needs to participate in EVERY concert.  We work each semester to develop a unified sound and the absence of even one member can affect that sound in a negative way.  In the case of a conflicting schedule on a concert date (such as a soccer game or other activity), the concert should be given the highest priority.  The only excused reasons a student may ever miss a concert are:

All other absences will be considered unexcused and a zero concert grade will be awarded to the student (unless the student is allowed a make-up assignment – see section on Missed Performances).

The other part of the concert grade is etiquette. 

In order to earn an “A” for the concert, students must:

Lettering in Chorus:

(Lettering form must be filled out by Monday 4/29 for students to be recognized at the concert)

Chorus Letter/Bar:


The following are letter/bar requirements each year:

To fill out the Lettering Form CLICK HERE

Calling all future aspiring chorus officers!

If you're interested in applying to serve on our leadership team for the 2024-25 school year, please fill out this online application by this Friday, May 3rd:

CLICK HERE to access the Chorus Officer Application

Join our War Eagle Chorus on the band app!

Upcoming War Eagle Chorus Calendar Events:

For more information about our War Eagle Chorus, visit us on the web at

Check our our Instragram!