Wildcats Leave Your Mark

Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Show Self-Control


When you are respectful, you show consideration for how your words and actions will affect other people. When you are respectful you value each other’s point of view, even if you disagree. When you are respectful, you are polite and kind and treat each other with dignity.


Listen when someone is talking to you

Ask before touching or taking other people’s belongings

Take into consideration other people’s feelings before you say or do something

Cooperate with adult directions

Clean up your area

Use an inside voice

Follow adult directions

Non Examples

Taking other people’s things

Vandalize other people’s property (like writing on someone’s book)

Walk away when someone is talking to you

Disregard an adult’s request to do something

Disregard a procedure or routine that is established


When you are responsible you make good decisions; do the right thing whether or not someone tells us; you answer for your words and actions; and you accept the consequence when you have done something wrong. When you are responsible other people can depend on us.


Become quiet on teacher / staff signal

Cooperate with adult directions

Clean up your area

Own up to a mistake

Have your homework

Ask adults for help

Line up at bell or teacher request

Look after your belongings

Are prepared with materials for class

Arrive on time

Non Examples

Leave garbage

Blame others for something you did

Enter class late

Come to class unprepared

Lose important papers

Forget your gym clothes


When you have self-control you stop and think before you say or do something. To develop self-control you can count to 5 before you say something or take a couple of deep breaths. You can tell your teachers or adults that you need a moment to think. This gives us a moment to stop and think about the best choice.


Cooperate with adult directions

Count to 5 before saying something.

Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself

Stop and freeze on adult signal

Mouth quiet and eyes forward when teacher begins instruction

Non Examples


Hitting or kicking others

Throwing objects

Acting without thinking

Talking out during instruction

Continue to talk when teachers or staff ask for quiet

Yelling or screaming in the halls or cafeteria