Daily COVID-19 Screening and Contact Tracing
For Students and Staff

Every student and staff member will need to be screened for clearance to enter the school building on a daily basis. Students under the age of 18 will have their screening form filled out by a parent/guardian.

For Staff there is no need to wait to scan the QR code at the door - you can fill out the daily screening form using this link any time before you arrive at the school building.

Staff and High School Students

Link here or scan this QR code:

Staff in all divisions - teachers, administrators, office personnel, custodians and maintenance workers, etc. must fill out this form on a daily basis. This form cannot be filled out on your behalf, and requires your digital signature. This form is filled out once a day, no matter how many school buildings the person enters. Staff and students that are cleared will receive an email that indicates the all-clear has been given to enter school buildings. This email should be retained and not deleted.

Students in N-8

For students in Nursery through 8th Grade, parents will fill out the daily screening form using their ParentLocker credentials. ParentLocker has created the ParentLocker Connect app for daily screening purposes to be used on Android devices, but it can be completed through the browser on any internet-connected device using the WebApp by clicking on this link.

To download the mobile app for Android:

ParentLocker Connect For Android Phones