Greetings, colleagues!

This site includes information about unionization at HACC. This site is managed by the College and will be updated as needed.

Please bookmark this site and visit it for updated and accurate information.

Thank you.

Results of Union Election

Faculty at HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, have voted in favor of affiliating with the Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA). The PSEA had sought to represent full-time and adjunct faculty in collective bargaining with the College.

Thank you to all faculty who voted in the recent union election. The faculty vote was 335 “yes” and 198 “no” to affiliate with the PSEA. The results still need to be certified by the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board.

The College looks forward to a mutual discussion of the issues to reach a fair and equitable contract for the College, our students and our employees.

To read more, please see the statement in our online newsroom.

Thank you.