Hawks Corner

Hello, HACC Hawks!

Welcome to the student newsletter. HACC is dedicated to providing news that matters most to you in an easy-to-read format. We will continue to share relevant information and keep you “in the know” as we serve and support you.

This newsletter is shared with all current HACC students.

Thank you!

Summer and Fall Registration Is Now OPEN!

Registration support for summer 2021 and fall 2021 classes:

Remote advising sessions offer opportunities for you to get quick advising questions answered if you cannot meet with your assigned advisor. Staff, in these sessions, can also help you with the registration process.

Students are also encouraged to consider participation in the College’s One More Class Initiative, which aims to shorten students’ time to graduation by having them take an additional course each semester.

Did you know…with just one additional course each semester, a student normally taking six credits per semester could cut three semesters off their time to completion.

Calling All High School Dual Enrollment Students!

Let’s connect and get you registered! Any questions you have or assistance that you need, connect with us at successcoach@hacc.edu or call 717-780-1972. We can’t wait to meet you!

Already registered? Let’s connect to get your next steps in place to enroll at HACC after high school.

The Hawkstop is Now Open!

Do you need help with your financial aid or have questions about your student account? Stop by the Virtual Hawkstop to get the information you need and talk with representatives from the Welcome Center and Financial Aid.

The Hawkstop is open 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday through Thursday.

Let’s Summer Together! – Transfer Services Available to Plan Ahead

Summer is a great time to plan next steps after HACC! It is an even better time to research and visit possible transfer schools. Yes, many transfer partners are hosting on-campus tours for you to visit. Here are some transfer planning tips and we are here to help:

  • Research transfer schools using resources on hacc.edu Transfer Services

  • Do you have less than 30 college-level credits at HACC?

  • Plan to attend online and in-person transfer events with our partner schools. Many dates are posted for you to choose from.

  • Not quite sure where to start and need help? Let us help! Contact transfer@hacc.edu or call 717-780-1972 and we can get your plan in place from start to transfer!

Jump-start Your Success!

HACC invites students to attend a “Jump-start YOUR Success” event to help with a successful transition to the online environment.

Jump-start YOUR Success Webinars:

Live webinars will be held in May and August. You can register and see dates and times listed on hacc.edu/jumpstart.

Jump-start YOUR Success Resources:

There are many resources posted at hacc.edu/jumpstart including Tutorial Guides for D2L and Zoom as well as videos and step-by-step guides on various topics. More information about jump-start YOUR Success webinars and resources is available at hacc.edu/jumpstart.

Join Our Amazing Team!

Do you enjoy helping others? Are you excited to share your story and what you have learned?

Then apply NOW to become a HAWKGuide with the New Student Orientation Unit!

Develop your leadership skills, find new friends, and be more involved with HACC students as a peer mentor and leader.

For more information, or to apply, visit collegecentral.com/hacc/ or email us at orientation@hacc.edu.

Tips for the Undecided

It’s completely normal to enter college and not be 100% sure of major or career choices. It’s a great time to start exploring! According to research about 80% of students change their major at least once during their college career. Those who change their major at least once are also more likely to graduate from college.

There are many factors that influence our career choices. Just a few to consider: Personality- who are you? What are your personality traits? Skills: What are you good at? What classes do you do well in? Values: What is important to you? Interests: What subjects do you enjoy? What do you enjoy doing in your free time? You may not be able to answer all these questions yet, and some may change over time. No wonder choosing a major can be so difficult!

Below are some tips on finding the major that is the best fit for you:

Utilize Career Services to help navigate career and major choices

Our Career Service’s staff are trained professionals that can help you explore and develop educational and career goals. Whether you are starting college and completely undecided or you are getting ready to graduate, we can help you wherever you are in the career development process. We have many assessments and resources that can help guide you in exploring career and major decisions. Schedule a career counseling appointment, and we will get you started!

Enroll in FS-101, Career Development

Spend a semester investing in yourself and your career! FS 101 is a three credit elective; in this course you will spend the semester exploring and learning about yourself and the career decision making process. You will explore and develop your educational and career goals.

Network and Utilize Your Supports

Do you have friends or family members in your chosen career field? Or do you know somebody who knows somebody? If so, they are a valuable resource to connect with! Schedule an “informational interview” to learn more about their career. Write down all of your questions that you have about their career and schedule time to meet with them. Your instructors at HACC are also experts in their field! Don’t be afraid to ask them questions. Another great way to professionally network online is to develop a LinkedIn profile. A Career Services professional can help you get started!

Give it a Test Drive!

Job Shadowing, Volunteering, Internships or a part-time job are all great ways to experience and learn about careers. By volunteering, interning or working part-time in your field you will gain valuable experience and discover if it is the right career for you. There are many other benefits as well: Not only do these experiences look great on your resume, you will build a network of professionals in the field, and it may even lead to future employment.

Don’t Get Discouraged!

Maybe you thought you had an idea but changed your mind, that’s OK. Learning what you do not like is just as valuable as what you do like. Career development is a life-long process, and these decisions do not happen overnight. Throughout life you will grow and change, situations will change, and your career decisions may change as well. You do not need to have it all figured out just yet…Meeting with a career professional and exploring the various factors that influence career decisions is a great place to start!

To schedule a career exploration appointment, contact the Career Education Team at careerservices@hacc.edu or by phone at


Christopher Schmidt

HACC Spotlight

Chris has worked in the Advising office at the Harrisburg campus, and this past year in the remote settings, as a collegewide student assistant for the past three years. His current major is Criminal Justice. Christopher was asked to represent HACC students by participating on the Student Affairs Enrollment Management Team for spring 2021.

Christopher shared, “The reason I agreed to do additional college service by serving on the enrollment management team is that I felt as though with the knowledge I have working behind the scenes and being a student myself I could help to advocate for the students attending HACC. I really do care about students who want to achieve their goals and want to help in that process as much as possible.”

Thank you, Christopher, for representing the HACC Student Body! #HACCProud


Memorial Day is a time where we remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for this country. Some of us may know someone who has lost their life in service for this country, some of us may not. Regardless if you have lost someone personally or not, the sacrifices that a stranger, a fellow American has made, allows you to enjoy the freedoms that you have today. This Memorial Day, May 31, 2021, I encourage all the students and faculty at HACC to take a moment and think of all those who have been lost and the families that have lost someone.

Some people visit cemeteries and lay an American flag near a gravesite or wear a red poppy on their lapel to show observance for Memorial Day. However you spend your Memorial Day, I ask you to simply take a few seconds to reflect on those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Before you enjoy that Memorial Day celebration, pause for a brief moment of silence to reflect and think about those service members who have lost their lives and are not with us to celebrate this special day.

I would like to end with a quote by Tamara Bolton that expresses some of the sentiment of this Memorial Day from her Parade essay: "This is the day we pay homage to all those who didn't come home. This is not Veterans Day, it's not a celebration, it is a day of solemn contemplation over the cost of freedom." –Tamra Bolton, in Parade essay

Craig Tuttle/Corbis Photo

For more information about Memorial Day, I encourage you to read this article from the History Channel, https://www.history.com/topics/holidays/memorial-day-history.

Merrick Green

Director, Military and Veteran Affairs Office

HACC Campus Grounds Open to the Public June 1, 2021

Due to the increased vaccination rates in the Central Pennsylvania area and the record of low COVID-19 cases on our HACC campuses, we are excited to increase the amount of on-campus instruction for fall semester. In addition, we are opening the outdoor areas on HACC campuses to the public on June 1, 2021, which is earlier than our original date of December 2021.

What does it mean to have the campuses open to the public?

  • The public can park on campus.

  • The public can walk the campus grounds.

  • We will allow outside events (but not inside events) to be held on our campuses. An example of this is the Dauphin County and UPMC COVID-19 vaccination clinic on HACC’s Harrisburg Campus.

  • We will allow tenants to come back on campus.

Please note that:

  • Our buildings will not be accessible to the public.

  • Anyone who needs to access a campus building must complete HACC’s online Wellness Screening form before each campus visit through July 31, 2021.

  • This information is tentative and subject to change.

Please know that your safety will continue to be our top priority!

Although we cannot control COVID-19 and how it spreads, we will continue to do our part to help maintain student, employee, and building safety by following protocols, as per governor’s orders and The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations.

Please visit hacc.edu/Coronavirus for more details.