Face-covering Updates
HACC campuses are fully open [phase seven of the seven-phased plan (pdf)]. What does that mean?
The College grounds and buildings will be open to all students, employees and the general public.
A wide range of credit and workforce development courses will be offered on campus.
Remote and virtual courses will also continue.
Students will have the option to attend classes on campus, virtually, remotely or a combination of online and on campus.
Most student services will be offered on campus. Most remote student services will also continue. Please see "How are student services being offered?" below for more information.
All classrooms and training areas will return to normal capacity without social distancing.
Please note:
Face coverings are encouraged but not required on campus. Off-campus clinical sites may still require face coverings.
The College will revert to an earlier phase in our seven-phased plan (pdf) if conditions worsen. Therefore, it is imperative to continue our self-screening efforts.
HACC does not require students or employees to be vaccinated at this time. As the pandemic response evolves, decisions will be made based on state and federal legislation. Clinical sites are requiring vaccinations. Please visit hacc.edu/HealthCareersUpdate for more information.
“Compassion is at the heart of every little thing we do. It is the dearest quality we possess. Yet all too often it can be cast aside with consequences too tragic to speak of. To lose our compassion, we lose what it is to be human.” – Anonymous