Hawks Corner

Hello, HACC Hawks!

Welcome to the student newsletter. HACC is dedicated to providing news that matters most to you in an easy-to-read format. We will continue to share relevant information and keep you “in the know” as we serve and support you.

This newsletter is shared with all current HACC students.

Thank you!

How will HACC Handle Weather Announcements During COVID-19?

If there is a weather announcement regarding campus closures, it will only affect employees and students approved to be on campus. All other remote work, remote instruction and virtual learning courses will continue as scheduled.

We will communicate directly to students and employees approved to be on a HACC campus. Therefore, we will not be distributing a collegewide e2Campus message. In addition, we will not notify the local media.

Instead, we will:

· Update the hacc.edu website

· Send an email to employees who are approved to be on campus

· Send an email to students who are approved to be on campus

· Post an announcement to the collegewide Facebook and Twitter accounts

Please see the “Weather Announcement Process During COVID-19” tab on hacc.edu/Weather for more information. Also, please remember to continue wearing your mask, washing your hands and staying safe and healthy. You are important!

Are You Facing Food Insecurity? Get Help Through Groceries on the Go E-Gift Cards

The CARE Center presents Groceries on-the-Go E-gift cards. The E-gift cards are available to enrolled HACC students who are experiencing the lack of sufficient quantities of affordable, nutritious food. Students are invited to request a gift card for the purchase of groceries from the CARE Center starting Feb. 25, 2021.

The HACC Foundation generously funded the E-gift cards.

Please contact the CARE Center for more information at CARE@hacc.edu.

Get the Help YOU Need: Your Mental Health Matters

As a reminder, counseling services are available to you through the College’s partnership with Mazzitti & Sullivan. Students can get up to three FREE counseling sessions per semester.

Please contact Mazzitti & Sullivan using the contact information below.

Phone Options

Call 1-800-543-5080 to speak to someone 24/7 or to schedule an appointment.

Call 1-855-264-3248 if you use TeleTYpe (TTY)/Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD.)

Online Option

Go to mseap.com/get-started.

Click on "Contact Us" and fill out the form as an "employee."

Type in "HACC Student" in the "Employer Name" field.

Complete the form.

Click the "Contact Us' button at the bottom of the page.

Expect your message to be returned by the next business day.

Sisters of Color: A Student Affinity Group

Feb. 8, 2021 marked the launch of the student affinity group, Sisters of Color, at HACC.

Affinity groups are designed to bring together people who have an identifier in common to share their trials, transparencies and triumphs. In affinity group settings, students can speak to the experience of being a member of the group from the “I” perspective.

The first gathering of Sisters of Color will take place on March 1, 2021, and every consecutive first Monday of the month from 5-6 p.m. via Zoom. Zoom links and details about Sisters of Color will be noted on D2L, the HACC calendar and in social media outlets.

We hope that affinity groups will provide our students with a sense of belonging, safety and comfort to be authentically themselves at HACC. These groups will provide our students with affirmation, identity socialization and resilience, as well as empowerment toward action to prepare them to engage deeply with other groups.

We invite you to get involved, engage and experience a sense of belonging at HACC by participating in Sisters of Color!

Please contact Cindy Strawbridge, assistant director of student involvement, at castrawb@hacc.edu if you have any questions or would like to sign up.

Have You Seen the Work of This Internationally Known Graphic Designer? You Can Through HACC!

Artwork by Craig Welsh, an internationally known graphic designer, will be displayed in a virtual art exhibit curated by the Rose Lehrman Art Gallery from Feb. 22-March 18, 2021.

Attendees can view Welsh’s exhibition, “Shape,” and attend a virtual lecture with the artist via the Rose Lehrman Art Gallery webpage. Welsh will discuss his work on March 18 at 5:30 p.m.

Welsh has exhibited work in more than 15 countries and has been a featured speaker at Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum in New York City. Welsh has been recognized by Cannes Lions, Communication Arts, D&AD, One Show and Type Directors Club, among others.

The virtual lecture and exhibit are free and open to the public. Event details are subject to change. For more information, please contact Shawn Williams at 717-780-2478 or smwillia@hacc.edu.

Join Us! Seeking Students for “It’s On Us” Peer Education Program

Are you passionate about sexual assault and gender issues? Looking for ways to make a difference in our College community? Consider becoming a peer educator with “It’s On Us”!

“It’s On Us” is a Collegewide group made up of students serving to educate their peers about sexual assault and gender issues. Peer educators do presentations and other activities aimed at helping fellow students learn about issues such as sexual assault, harassment, consent, healthy relationships and more! Training will be offered. This is a great experience to add on your résumé and helps to make HACC a healthier, safer and stronger learning community.

We believe it’s on ALL of us to play a part in making our College community safe and inclusive.

If you are interested in joining, please fill out this link for our signup list or use the QR codes on the poster by March 8. We will reach out to you to schedule informational sessions to learn more.

You can also contact Briana Legerlotz (bjlegerl@hacc.edu) with any questions.

Instagram Streamlining: It’s Easier to Stay Up to Date On HACC Announcements

Doesn’t it feel good to get organized? It makes everything operate much smoother.

It is time for us to get organized and streamline our processes on Instagram. After assessment and recommendations, we will be deleting our campus-specific accounts and focusing on one account.

All of the campuses will still be represented on the collegewide Instagram account, and we will strategically use hashtags (#HACCgettysburg #HACCharrisburg #HACClancaster #HACClebanon #HACCyork) to highlight the campuses.

Please engage with us on Instagram (@HACC_edu)!

#HACCproud #HACCyeah #Excellence #LetsDoThis #GoTeam #TeamInstagram

See you there!

Fund Your Bright Ideas with a Diversity Innovation Grant!

Do you have an idea for promoting inclusion and diversity at HACC? Perhaps you’d like to put together a workshop or event or develop a tool that promotes inclusion. Maybe you have a great idea but need the money to make it happen.

Diversity Innovation Grants (free money) are available for projects, initiatives and activities that support inclusion, diversity and belonging at HACC!

We are seeking action-oriented proposals from students and employees to engage members of our community in ways that foster inclusion and belonging. A taskforce will evaluate proposals and award grants to those that are accepted. Funds will vary by project but could range up to $5,000.

To learn more and apply, please visit hacc.edu/DiversityFund and click the dropdown for Diversity Innovation Grants. If you have additional questions, please email Dr. Gina Crance, assistant vice president of student engagement, at gcrance@hacc.edu.

Do You Have Career-Related Questions? Get the Answers!

Get answers to your career-related questions. We are here to guide you as you explore majors and career fields. HACC’s Career Services can assist you with developing your cover letter, résumé and LinkedIn profile. Additionally, Career Services is here to provide guidance to help you with interviews and preparation tips as you explore internships and employment opportunities.

The drop-in hours follow:

● Mondays: Feb. 1, March 1, April 5 and May 3 from 5-6 p.m.

● Tuesdays: Feb. 9, March 9, April 13 and May 11 from 5-6 p.m.

● Wednesdays: Feb. 17, March 17 and April 21 from 5-6 p.m.

● Thursdays: Feb. 25, March 25 and April 22 from 5-6 p.m.

● Fridays: Every week, Feb. 5 through May 14 from noon-1 p.m.

Following is the drop-in Career Services Zoom link:


Share the Great News: New HACC Foundation Scholarships Available!

HACC Foundation scholarships are designed to help keep you enrolled and on the path to reach your higher education goals. Yet too many students are not aware of the FREE money available to them.

Keichsla, a HACC Foundation scholarship recipient, stated, “This scholarship is a blessing. The financial support helps to take a weight off my shoulders. Another door has opened for me to continue my journey and obtain my degree.”

Did You Know?

  • HACC Foundation scholarships are FREE money to support you in reaching your educational goals.

  • The HACC Foundation awarded $1,220,985 from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.

  • You do not need a high GPA to apply for HACC Foundation scholarships.

  • HACC offers scholarships for both credit and noncredit program students.

  • For more information – including a video tutorial on how to apply for scholarships – please visit hacc.edu/scholarships.

In addition to millions of dollars in available scholarships, new scholarships have been added, including:

To view all recently-added scholarships, please:

  • Visit https://hacc.academicworks.com/

  • Click on “Show Filters”

  • Under “Scopes,” select “Recently Added Scholarship for 2021-22 Academic Year”

  • Click "Filter Opportunities" at the bottom of the webpage

Helpfully YOURS.

HACC is Helping Dauphin County Youth of Color Fight Systemic Racism Through S.T.E.P

HACC’s S.T.E.P. Academy (Stand up, Take action, Expect great things, Put in the work) and the Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC partnered to fight systemic racism through education, career exploration and awareness!

High school seniors of color from Harrisburg, Middletown and Susquehanna Township School Districts will complete a 10-week, intense S.T.E.P. training starting in February. The training will be followed by a paid summer internship opportunity with a local company. This opportunity was made possible thanks to a partnership with the Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC.

Upon completing S.T.E.P and graduating from high school, these students will be prepared to land a paid summer internship and get hired if the internship goes well.

Here comes the class of 2021!

Please share this information with those who may be interested: hacc.edu/STEP.

Scholar Success: Avery Ali

Avery Ali is a Business Administration student who completed his degree in December 2020. He is enrolled at HACC for the spring 2021 term to complete a calculus course for his finance program at the University of San Francisco, where he will transfer in fall 2021. Congratulations, Avery, on your stellar academic achievements!

When asked about his journey at HACC, Mr. Ali stated that he originally enrolled at HACC in 2008 but “I didn’t have a vision for myself, and I wasted a lot of time and money.” In 2018, he discovered his interest in the finance industry and set specific goals for himself that included academic achievement and exploring transfer options.

Avery worked hard to meet the high standards he set for himself and achieved great success at HACC. As part of his journey, he credits his faculty advisor, professor of English Amy Withrow, saying that “she was one of the first people to encourage me and didn’t think that my plan was far-fetched.” He also states that the welcome center and the library supported his path to success, describing a helpful and caring staff always ready to assist.

Avery’s advice for HACC students is based on a quote from Bruce Lee that resonates with him: “As you think, so shall you become.” He encourages people to explore their passions, pursue education for the sake of their own learning and not to meet other people’s expectations, and believe in themselves: “No one can stop you from reaching your goals except for you.” Undoubtedly, Avery will find great success in San Francisco and beyond! We are #HACCproud!