
About the NCASAA

The North Central Alberta Schools Athletic Association is an organization which serves schools from New Serepta to Jasper in the organization of interscholastic sport.  The NCASAA is an active member in the Alberta School's Athletic Association.  Through our association with the ASAA, we provide the opportunity for school teams and individuals from schools to advance to Provincial level athletics in a number of different sports.

Zone Executive

The NCASAA Executive is composed of individuals who volunteer to serve the zone.  The executive is voted in at the NCASAA meeting held in the spring.  These individuals oversees the running of the zone and attend the Alberta School Athletic Association's APM and AGM to represent the NCASAA.

President - Wade Hicks

Wade is a teacher at RF Staples in Westlock, AB.

Secretary - Michael Hargas

Michael is a teacher and athletic director at Grand Trunk High School.

Past President - Kelle Hansen

Kelle is a teacher and athletic director at Mayerthorpe High School.  Kelle is also an active member of the CIAAA. 

Treasurer - Rose Rumball

Rose is a teacher out of St. Joes in Whitecourt and has been the finacial secretary for a few years now.