Ukulele Lessons

Here is the Ukulele Chord Chart...

Focus on chords C, F, G, A, Am & D...Those are the ones I teach in class.

I will have a lesson on ukulele chords, strumming techniques and songs to play along with! Follow below!

Here is the online tuner if you need to tune your ukulele and you don't have a tuner at home. Top string closest to your face is the G. Then the next down is C, then E and the bottom string is the A.

They will pluck the G first and you have to listen and turn your tuning peg until it sounds like the G they are playing. Just turn your tuning pegs slowly and a little bit at a time to find the right direction so that is sounds the same.

Here I will break down the different parts of the ukulele and teach you your first chord of 'C'.

After you learn the chord, feel free to practice your strumming from top string down until it feels comfortable!

Lesson 2 - How to play the F Chord!

Lesson 3 - How to play the 'G' Chord!

Lesson 4 - How to play the 'A' and 'Am' Chords!

Lesson 5 - Play Along!

Follow me using the chords Am, F & C to strum to "Stay with Me" by Sam Smith