What is happening from now until the end of the school year?

From now until the end of the school year we will continue teaching and learning through an online learning platform. Learning content will be released every Monday morning through each teacher’s online platform. This content will include activities for your child to complete throughout the week.

How long per day should we be working on school work?

Alberta Education has recommended that students at the elementary level take part in numeracy and literacy activities for a minimum of an hour per day. Grade one teachers will be sending content to maintain this recommendation.

What is the best way to structure learning time with my child?

The best way to structure learning time with your child is to create a daily schedule that works best for you and your child. Have your schedule written out and posted daily for your child to see so that they know what is expected and you do to! The internet is full of resources for scheduling your school day! You got this!!

What is my teacher's learning platform? and where can I find it?

Each grade one teacher has created a specific place where they will post content. Check each teacher's individual web page for information about their learning platforms.

When is my teacher available? Can I call you? Can I facetime you?

The most popular question of all! We are available from 8:30am-4:00pm Monday to Friday as per our school calendar. If you require assistance please message your teacher or send an email and we can arrange a time to connect. We will connect through various means depending on what you are needing.

What is google classroom?

Google classroom is an online learning platform that allows teachers to post content and receive content from students. Your child can access “Google Classroom” with their GYPSD email and password that was sent to you.

To get initial access to Google classroom, you will need to log into your child's GYPSD gmail account and follow the link that has been sent from your child's teacher. For future logins: simply google; Google classroom and type in your teacher's classroom code. Contact your teacher for the classroom code.

What is the MBE Grade 1 website?

Our Grade 1 team has created this website with links to each teacher's learning platforms as well as providing you with links such as: RAZ Kids, Mathletics, math games etc.

Where can I find information for Physical Education and Music?

Mr. Hyatt and Ms. Prince have created websites where they will post content. Please see the additional resources tab that has links to both of their sites.

What are some tips for assisting my child with writing?

See link below with tips on how to assist your child with writing.

When should I be logging into my child’s Google Classroom, RAZ Kids, and Mathletics?

ASAP! Go on and play around to get yourself and your child more familiar with the websites we will be using.

How can I get informative feedback from my teacher?

We encourage you to send pictures of your child’s work. Then we can support you and your child best with further direction.

What if I do not have additional technology for my child to use?

If you do not have additional technology at home please visit the GYPSD site to fill out a Chromebook Lending form, see attached link below.