Mrs.  Parham

7th grade Math



Materials needed for Math Class:

You will need a binder organized with dividers for each subject, paper, pencils, colored pencils, highlighters, and colored pens.  

Specifically for Math you will need a one-subject spiral notebook for math only. This will be used for Vocabulary and notes.

First Day of School:  7/24


Students will be given a homework sheet the first school day of each week.  Assignments will be organized by days. The sheet will be due the last day of each school week.  If your child is absent or is missing the sheet it is posted in Google Classroom so they may complete on notebook paper with work for credit. For homework and upcoming events: Click Here 

Google Class Codes:                                                

1st Period:    Click Here                              

3rd Period:  Click Here 

4th Period:  Click Here 

5th Period:   Click Here                                     

6th Period:  Click Here 

Remind Codes:

7th Grade Math:  7par2425

8th Grade Math: 8par2425