Library Expectations

Students and teachers are welcome to use the library to get resources for a research project, seek help using databases, create a multimedia project, find a great book, access the printers, or just find a peaceful place to work.

Class Signups

  • Library classes have priority over other classes using the space but we will attempt to be flexible whenever possible

  • Teachers wishing to bring classes to the library should check with the librarian, who will determine which dates and times the requested library spaces are available

Individual Schools Students

  • Students may come with a signed pass from a classroom teacher or from a study hall to look for a book, conduct research, make school-related copies, type or print, or work quietly on a project. Anyone disrupting other users or not abiding to the library expectations will immediately be sent back to class or to the office.

Computer and Printer Usage

  • Computers are for schoolwork only

  • Printing should be kept to a minimum and is for schoolwork only.

Circulation of Materials

  • Books may be checked out for two weeks

  • Magazines (except the current issue) may be checked out for two weeks

  • Reference materials are for classroom use or in-library use only and do not circulate to students

Overdue Materials

  • Overdue notices will be emailed to students and parents on a two weeks basis indicating which materials are overdue and need to be returned

  • Fines are not charged for overdue materials, but students are required to pay for the replacement of lost or damaged items.

General Library Expectations

  • You need to sign in (show a pass) when visiting the library unless you come with your class

  • No food or drinks are allowed in the library (except for bottled water at the tables). No food or drinks of any kind are allowed near the computers.

  • You need to work or read quietly. Anyone talking loudly or otherwise disturbing others will be sent back to class

  • Do not move chairs or other furniture around without permission. Please return them to their original location.

  • Gaming devices and cards are not allowed in the library