
Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away a fat baby named Kevin Feramisco was born. This fat baby grew up to be a fat toddler and a then into a fat young boy. But it was in 1977 that his whole world changed. Fat Boy Kevin saw Star Wars for the very first time! He was still fat, but he had Star Wars now. He would carry lessons from Star Wars with him for the rest of his life.

Fat Boy Kevin graduated from 6th grade at Fresno Christian and went on to pursue middle school Awkwardness at Clark Intermediate for two years. After leaving that excellent learning center, our Fat Boy Kevin went on to double major in Insecurity and Low Self-Esteem at the wonderful high school institution known as Clovis High. He graduated in the middle of his class of 900 students in 1989. From there, he went on to a failed biology major-turned mildly successful Liberal Arts BA at Fresno State University, graduating on the 4 1/2 year track in the spring of '94. Fast-forward 13 years to National University and the completion of his NCLB-compliant teaching credential, and his first-ever teaching gig in the fall of 2007 for the Golden Valley Unified School District at Ranchos Middle School!

Fat Boy Kev is married to Brenda and has four boys: Dante, Sorelli, Travin, and Levi. He loves reading, podcasts, Shaver Lake, and almost any type of board/card game out there.