High School Students

Why High School Counselors?

High school counselors are educators uniquely trained in child and adolescent development, learning strategies, self-management and social skills who understand and promote success for today’s diverse students. They implement a school counseling program to support students through this important developmental period. The program provides education, prevention and intervention activities, which are integrated into all aspects of students’ lives. The program teaches knowledge, attitudes and skills students need to acquire in academic, career and social/emotional development, which serve as the foundation for future success. High school counselors do not work in isolation; rather they are integral to the total educational program.  For more information, click here

Mental Health Programs and apps for High School Students 

Finding Focus

This is a free resource that helps you notice your thoughts and train your attention.  It uses videos, music, and self-reflection to help you build the ability to put your focus on the parts of your life that are most important to you.  Click here to get more information or give it a try. 


GritX is your judgment free guide to facing life challenges and personal growth. Learn scientifically proven, therapeutic exercises by thier team of experts from the University of California, San Francisco. Something on your mind? Chat with GritX, our emotionally intelligent, conversational AI. Feeling adventurous? Embark on a GritXpedition and get in depth skill building resources. They aim to put tools in your hands completely free.  

The Science of Wellbeing for Teens

This is a free 6-week course that aims to curb the mental health crisis by bringing together the best insights from Dr. Laurie Santos’ popular Yale course, Psychology and the Good Life. In this course, you will explore what the field of psychology teaches us about how to be happier, how to feel less stressed, and how to thrive in high school and beyond. The lessons along with short weekly ‘happiness homework’ assignments will ultimately prepare you to put these scientific findings into practice. The ultimate goal is for you to feel better and build healthier habits.  For more information, click here.