The Following SEL Videos & Lessons were Compiled by Fulton County Schools


Activity to Follow the Video

  • Look in the mirror and list three things you love about yourself.  

  • Write down 3 specific compliments to give to yourself. Once complete, go to a mirror and read each compliment to yourself. (Remember to consider qualities you can’t see too).


Activity to Follow the Video

  • Name something someone did for you that was kind. How did it make you feel?

  • What is something kind you can do for someone at school? What is something kind you can do for someone at home?


Activity to Follow the Video

  • Watch the video and see if you can guess each of Riley’s feelings.

  • After the video, draw a picture of the feelings that live inside your head and what you think each of them might look like.


Activity to Follow the Video

  • What is the difference between being mean, and bullying?

  • How is cyberbullying different than bullying?

  • What will you do if you see cyberbullying?


Activity to Follow the Video

  • Name two things you should not put on social media.

  • What are some good things about using social media?


Activity to Follow the Video

  • What does being happy mean to you?

  • What are some things that make you sad?

  • What are some things you can do to feel better when you are sad?

  • What can you do to feel better when you feel angry?


Activity to Follow the Video

  • What does it mean to listen to others?

  • What are some rewards of listening to others?

  • What are some consequences of not listening to others?


Activity to Follow the Video

  • What does respect mean to you?

  • Name two ways to respect others.


Activity to Follow the Video

  • Why is it important to manage your anger?

  • What are some things you can do to feel better when you are angry?


Activity to Follow the Video

  • How many emotions can you name? Write them out in a list then check this chart to see ones you may have missed or learn about new ones.

  • Make your own Emotion Intensity Chart. Think about what it would feel like to be at the top of your chart, the bottom of your chart, and in the middle. Who is one person you could talk to if you were feeling an uncomfortable emotion (like fear) at the top of your Emotion Intensity Chart?


Activity to Follow the Video

  • Think of a time when you have had a conflict with a friend or family member. Were you able to come to a resolution such as a compromise? If so, how did you reach the agreement. If not, what is an example of a compromise that could have helped resolve the conflict?

  • Identify a person in your life who can act as a mediator if you find yourself in a conflict you cannot resolve on your own.


Activity to Follow the Video

  • Remembering the ‘ABCDE method’, what does each letter stand for (hint: coping skills)?

  • Think about a time when you lost your temper (or became really angry). How could you have used the ‘ABCDE method’ from the video, to calm down and gain control over your anger?

  • Who can you talk to about your anger and what makes you angry? And how can talking about your anger help you to control your anger?


Activity to Follow the Video

  • What can you do to keep from ‘flipping your lid’?

  • Can you name at least one trusted adult that you can talk to about what upsets you, so that you don’t ‘flip your lid’? How can this trusted adult help you keep from ‘flipping your lid’?


Activity to Follow the Video

  • What is your definition of self-control?

  • Name at least two games that you can play to gain self-control.


Activity to Follow the Video

  • What does mindfulness mean to you?

  • What is the magic number that Ozzy wants you to count to when doing mindful breathing?


Activity to Follow the Video

  • How can having a ‘calm brain’ help you?

  • Name three things that you can do to ‘calm your brain’.


Activity to Follow the Video

  • Give an example of negative self-talk.

  • Give an example of positive self-talk.

  • How does positive self-talk help you when you are upset?


Activity to Follow the Video

  • What do you like to do while at home?

  • Is there anything that you would like to do while at home? What new thing would you like to learn?

  • Create a schedule of daily activities for yourself or with your family to help stay organized and productive.


Activity to Follow the Video

  • What’s your “friendship soup recipe”? Write it down and share it with someone.

  • Write about it: What is the most important ‘ingredient’ in your ‘friendship soup’? And why?


Activity to Follow the Video

  • What does being kind mean to you?

  • Did the meaning of being kind change after the reading of this book?

  • Remember to spread kindness every day! A small act of kindness can make a big difference.


Activity to Follow the Video

  • What do you think added the color to the world of others in this video?

  • How have you been able to color the world of others in your life?

  • How does being kind help others? Identify at least one kind thing to do for another person each day.