Religious Education

Religious Education - Curriculum Intent

Our vision for Religious Education at Gurnard Primary School is to ensure that all learners have an understanding of the different religions around the world. RE is taught in a way in which allows pupils to build on their previous knowledge of religions and to appreciate the way in which these religions impact their own lives and the lives of others. At Gurnard Primary School, we encourage the children to engage with the curriculum using an enquiry approach, whereby they can develop a wide understanding using questions, experiences and an immersion into the wider-aspects of religion.

We believe that through our engaging and captivating lessons, our pupils are encouraged to develop their own sense of identity and belonging through their own self-awareness and reflection of religion.

Please explore this page to find out more about Religious Education at Gurnard Primary School, and the opportunities that are available for our learners.

Curriculum Policy

An overview of the Computing Curriculum

Progression Map

Progression of skills from EYFS - Y6


Pupil Work

