SUL Conference Schedule

Soy Un Líder Conference Agenda

November 19th, 2022

8:45-9:30 Check in

Welcome! You’ve made it to Guilford College. Once you arrive, please walk into Dana Auditorium to check in. Small refreshments will be available in the Moon Room once you check in.

9:30-10:15 Opening Session

We will hear welcome remarks from our Soy Un Líder (SUL) team, followed by our College President and our Keynote Speaker.

10:15-10:30 Transition to Breakout Sessions

Follow a SUL guide to your breakout sessions led by faculty, staff, & students!

10:30-12:00 Breakout Sessions

You will attend breakout sessions led by the SUL guide around college readiness, financial aid, and other topics regarding your journey to higher education.

12:00-12:45 Lunch

Follow a SUL guide and head over to Founders Hall for Lunch provided by Guilford College dining.

12:45-12:55 Transition to College Fair

Follow your SUL guide to one of the designated galleries [East & West] to engage with different colleges, institutions, and other organizations!

1:00-1:45 College Fair

Engage with different colleges and institutions across North Carolina! Here we will have representatives, admissions counselors, and students for you to ask any questions you may have about their specific campus or the application process.

1:45-1:55 Transition to Campus Tours

Please follow your SUL guide to start your campus tour and get to see what Guilford College has to offer!

1:55-2:25 College Tour

Here you will follow one of our admissions counselors and explore our beautiful campus! Our admission counselor will give you an in-depth tour of Guilford and explain all the resources we have to offer.

2:25-2:50 Student Panel

Time to interact and ask questions! We will have a panel discussion with students representing Guilford and other surrounding colleges/institutions for you to ask any questions regarding college life, student experiences, and more!

2:50-3:00 Closing Remarks

We’ll share some final words of encouragement before departing. We thank you for attending and we hope to see you soon!


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