excellence in  teaching

Excellence in Teaching

Focusing on students and the student experience is at the heart of the Guilford transformational educational experience. An established focus of these efforts can be found in the teaching and learning that occurs among our faculty, students, and staff. Guilford faculty and staff with teaching responsibilities are committed to being the best teachers they can be and CPPSET's Excellence in Teaching initiative is dedicated to supporting and advancing this commitment. The ET Initiative was launched in 2020 building on the college's long history of innovative faculty development and establishing a new endowment fund to build a program dedicated to innovative and inclusive pedagogy in classroom, laboratory, and experiential settings. For more information about excellence in teaching initiatives at Guilford, please contact CPPSET Associate Director, Sonalini Sapra (saprask@guilford.edu)

Excellence in Teaching includes:

PPS faculty seminar

The PPS Faculty Seminar is an opportunity for College faculty and staff to learn about best practices for community-engaged teaching, research and problem-solving. The seminar is designed for participants to acquire knowledge and skills that shape the cultivation or redesign of courses to include community-engaged teaching and learning components. A small stipend is available for those who complete the seminar, with some additional funding provided for submission of revised course plans or syllabi following the seminar. For more information and application instructions, contact CPPSET Director, Mark Justad at 336.316.2853 or justadmj@guilford.edu.