About Nora

I'm Nora Ebersman l'm 12 years old but, I prefer 12 years young. Softball is always in my heart, I play travel softball it is always fun. I play left field or center. My favorite thing in softball is to hit.

It's really great to go skiing with my friends. I've been skiing for awhile, it's a big hobby of mine. I hope when I grow up I can ski in Colorado! Jumps aren't really my thing, i'll do small jumps but I like to stick to the ground. One of the best parts about skiing is if you ski in the evenings, the sunset on the mountain is just perfect. Also when you get at the top of the mountain and you look around you, the view is astonishing. You wouldn't believe your eyes, in fact you would think it's just a painting. Sometimes the things that make the sport the sport aren't always the best parts of it. It's the small parts and moments that are your favorite. That's what makes you passionate about your sport, it's different and most importantly makes you happy.

Traveling is really fun, destinations like Orlando, Florida Wells, Maine and Canada. When I grow up I want to go to France. I am a advanced blue belt in taekwondo, I sometimes compete in competitions. I like to compete in forms, I'm not much of a breaker.

For family it's my dad, mom and I, no siblings thank god. I say that not be mean but, if I had a younger sibling I would have to sleep on the top floor and that's where the attic is. Then if I had an older sibling they would be mad that they would have to sleep in the attic. Plus if I had a sibling I we wouldn't be able to go on all the family trips we go on now. Probably I also wouldn't be able to do Jr. Ski Club in our school and go to Willard Mountain to ski. I would have to choose. I know it sounds wrong but, I would get less Christmas and Hanukkah presents. Although I pretty much have everything I need, a phone books and food and water. Books with me have to be paperback, I once tried kindle and I lost my page and I kept going around in a loop instead of try to go further into the book. Then I kind of decided kindle isn't for me. Also I like to see what page I'm on, not really just the percentage. My mom is a french teacher at the Guilderland High School, she is pretty much fluent, but no one really masters a language I feel. There's always something else you don't know. From her career she has grown tired of making crepes as well as eating them. Which is unfortunate for me because at the Cultural Fair at the High School they always sell out. So my chances for leftovers their are pretty slim. Best part for her is every year she goes to France for 3 weeks to take classes and every year she visits a different part of France. It's expensive so I can't come. When I grow up I want go to France and see the Eiffel Tower in person. If always seen pictures of my mom's trips and I hope to be able to see them too. My dad on the other hand is a C.P.A., also known as a Certified Public Accountant. He is self employed, it doesn't mean he isn't as busy as accountants working for companies. He has a lot of clients and is always jumping from the next deadline to another. When he isn't jumping from a deadline he, hangs out with me. Sometimes we'll go play catch and go out to ice cream later. He tries to make all my softball games but, when he can't I know he really tried. Once he drove all the way to Clifton park from his office ,in Albany so watch me play. I love my family and their there when I need it. Family isn't just something that helps you through difficult times and has your back, it's also something that makes you stronger.

Nora Ebersma A/C 1

This is my I am Unique project from health. I hope you learn something new about me!

Going on roller coasters is one of my favorite things to do! School subjects that I enjoy are Science and P.E. I like to read if I have a good book and it better be a good book! In my free time I like to go on youtube or read a book. The Testing is my favorite, favorite, FAVORITE book! I could read the series it all day!!