Emc^2 2020-2021 Research Portfolio

About Me

My name is Stella T and I am a senior at GHS. I am very passionate about the STEM fields specifically anything that has to do with medicinal research. In college, I plan to major in chemistry in a pre-medicine program and minor in Spanish. In my free time, I enjoy competitive swimming, reading, playing the piano, and painting with watercolors.

Last year in this class, I studied different types of medicine used across the world and compared and contrasted Western vs. Eastern medicine. This year I plan to investigate COVID-19 which has swept our world into a pandemic. I want to learn more about the history of the coronavirus, its mutations, how it attacks the human body, how it spreads, its treatments, and more.

I hope that I can enlighten myself and anyone who looks at my work about this very perilous threat to society. People should know what this virus is, how it can effect them, and why staying at home is important.

Contact Me

If you have any questions at all, feel free to fill out this Google Form.