Let's Grow

Frequent conversations about growth, development, reflections and performance are a good thing. That is why we have a quarterly Let's Grow rhythm. As a leader you make an impact on a personal and professional level of your team members. Which should result in even higher engagement and positive business results. This is not just a 'check-the-box' activity once every quarter. Focusing on growth and development is an ongoing effort that we take very seriously.

In our Manifest you find a lot of information about our quarterly Let's Grow cycle. In this How To Lead we specifically focus on your role as a leader, in creating an environment where together we can be our natural best.

To get to know your responsibilities, keep in mind that what you give attention grows (in Dutch we say: "alles wat je aandacht geeft groeit"). So don't focus too much on the ‘bad things’ and make sure you spend enough attention, preparation, time and focus on building talent.

The elements of our quarterly Let's Grow rhythm are: the 360 feedback, People scan, reflection format and the reflection conversation.

360 feedback

  • Your team member is responsible for his or her feedback, by actively asking for it

  • Feedback moments take place through-out the year. No deadlines, or minimum / maximum number of requests.

  • The 360 feedback focuses on our core values and associated behaviors (standard format).

  • Your team member receives the feedback (not you as a Team lead) and can choose whether or not to share it with you or others.

  • It's an opportunity to discuss it in the reflection conversation.

  • Encourage your team member to ask for feedback and do a follow-up face to face.

  • If your team member doesn't retrieve feedback or doesn't send out any request, make sure to have a conversation about this.

People scan

  • Every quarter together we do a People scan. We ask you to assess the culture fit and job fit of your team members and also register a 'Meets expectations' or 'Does not meet expectations'. People will discuss the input with you (in some cases 1:1 and sometimes within a team. Make sure to consult when you have possible doubts or need more information or a dialogue for a well-substantiated outcome. And know when to calibrate within the team, with the right people.

  • We calibrate the outcomes to ensure that we interpret the elements of culture fit, job fit and does/does not meet expectations in the same way within Guidion.

When to give a "Does not meet expectations"

If, after giving the necessary feedback and guidance, you do not see the right progress and there is strong doubt whether you have the right person in the right place (job- and/or culture fit) this needs to be adressed. Make sure this is no surprise for your team member. For example when you have given clear feedback for at least a number of weeks or it has been the subject of discussion in the past period. Nevertheless, you see insufficient improvement. This can relate to the required competencies of the job, as well as to the work attitude (think of motivation, behavior, core values). What matters is that you see that it is not a temporary drop, but a recurring issue. In which there are structural question marks as to whether attitude, behavior and/or competencies are sufficient for the proper performance of the job. Or that it is clear in the meantime or after previous "does not meet expectations", that it is not and will not be sufficient.

Culture fit

This is based on our core values, which are embedded in our behaviors, processes, systems and practices. Check the Manifest to read more about our culture. We are strong believers that a good individual culture fit contributes to a great company culture and employee engagement. We do believe that our core values embrace diversity and that a great variety of people fit within our culture, yet share a common set of values that unites us. That is why we base our 360 feedback on our core values. We have formulated concrete behaviour, deriving from our values. These are used to assess the culture fit.

Job fit

The job fit focuses on the skills (current competencies) for the challenge (required competencies). Here you ask the important question: "Does my team member have the right knowledge and competencies for current and near-future challenges?". When there is a job fit, there is a good balance between challenge and competence, resulting in flow*. A clear understanding of the skills required for the job is a must. And salary colour and relative salary position (RSP) are relevant for judgment.

In positive psychology, a flow state, also known colloquially as being in the zone, is the mental state in which a person performing some activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by the complete absorption in what one does, and a resulting transformation in one's sense of time.

Reflection format

As you can read in the Manifest, you and your team member both fill in the reflection format (which you receive by e-mail). After this is filled in you receive a copy of the input, previous to the reflection conversation. A couple of pointers:

  • Don't make an epistle. Put down some key sentences/words to talk about and if needed explicit a specific topic.

  • In this form you also indicate whether or not the team member meets the expectations taking the job- and culture fit into account. If you need any help with this, let Marijn know.

  • The 2-point scale (meets/ does not meet expectation) gives clarity, by expressing confidence or being clear that expectations aren't met (yet).

  • In case of a "does not meet expectations" Marijn will support you if needed.

Reflection conversation

  • The reflection conversation takes place during the 'regular' weekly and is initiated by your team member as they are responsible for their development.

  • It's a conversation, meaning a dialogue. Make sure to ask questions and listen carefully.

  • It's about growth and feedback, resulting in making an impact.

  • So be constructive and pay attention on how to have a good conversation.

  • Ask Marijn (or another colleague) if you can use some help preparing for the reflection conversation(s).


We work with a bipolar focus, with a long-term vision and short-term actions. We therefore set goals on a quarterly basis, based on our Red Thread.

  • You follow the Guidion goalsetting cycle.

  • You take the lead in clarifying team goals, together with your team.

  • You help your team members with defining objectives and key results each quarter.

  • Make sure all team members, including yourself, register their goals on the team page (goalsetting site).

  • Track the quarterly goals on a regular basis with your team members, via regular weeklies, and for instance every month in a team meeting.

  • Check out our Goalsetting site for more information. When you're new, ask for help to get properly introduced with our way of working.

Development budget

Development is important. You grow by learning on-the-job, learning by example, but also through inspiration, education and training. Make sure you adress this topic during the reflection conversation. And you can always contact People to talk about training and development for people in your team. We do believe that your team member is in the driver seat when it comes to choosing how to use the development budget. Of course he or she can ask for guidance, which you can give or where Tamara or another colleague can step in. More information about the development budget and how to apply for it is explained on www.letsgrow.guidion.com.

If you yourself want to develop as a leader, contact People or your own Team lead to talk about your learning goal(s). So together you can find the right way to learn and grow.

Gallup StrengthsFinder

One of the ways to work on a high performing team is to focus on the strengths of all team members. If you are interested in a StrenghtsFinder team session, you can contact People. Check the Guidion Manifest for more information about StrengthsFinder.