Resources for Liberatory Pedagogical and Organizational Practices

Maintained by Perri Corvino, LCSW, MA, LAC

This website was created to challenge educator's perceptions of equity, diversity, and inclusion in academia. The resources honor the complexity of our lived experiences and involve the system-wide changes that we can make to create a liberatory environment.

The resources are organized by learning modality (watch videos, read or listen to books, engage in discussion) and ends with some planning resources.

***I receive no kickbacks from any links to books or workshops.***


Dr. Veshawn Young on code switching

The basics of cultural humility

Building Critical Consciousness for Educational Equity with Nicole West-Burns, Ph.D

Speaking Freely with bell hooks

Derald Wu Sing on microaggressions in academia

An open letter to my oppressors in academia with Elisse Howard


Ungrading edited by Susan Blum

liberating ourselves and students from grading so we can focus on progress and learning

An indigenous people's history of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz

highlights the historical trauma of people indigenous to the western hemisphere

The Politics of trauma by Staci Haines

explores the unrelenting relationship between trauma and oppression

Becoming a critically reflective teacher by Stephen D. Brookfield

embark on a journey of self-reflection



assess your organizations progress towards trauma-informed care

asynchronous workshop. maybe get a group together to talk about the content

calculate exactly how much work students are expected to complete in a given class

Trauma-informed teaching and learning resources

resources on TITL including syllabus, classroom strategies, and grading

How to ungrade

alternative method to grading that takes into account the process of learning

Digital Dialogues Blog

MSU Denver social work department teaching blog


Contact to get more information on liberating college and university pedagogy and organizational practices

last updated: 4/23/21