AP Chem Pre-Course Review

Awesome Valhalla Students,

I hope you’re having a wonderful summer break and I’m looking forward to having you in my AP Chemistry class this year!

For some students, the beginning of the school year can be a little hectic due to having new teachers, classmates, schedule changes, and all the other things involved with starting a new school year. Therefore, I thought I would post some slides and tutorial videos (below) in case you wanted to get a little head start on our first unit.

Just so you know, the entire 1st Semester of AP Chemistry is really just a review of what you already learned in Honors Chemistry last year, but you’ll be surprised how much can be forgotten over the summer, so it might be of interest for you to browse the slides and watch as many videos as possible to ensure a smooth and less stressful start to the school year.

Please let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks!

AP CHEM COVID Chem Fundamentals_Notes_Part 1.pdf
AP CHEM COVID Pre_Course Tutorial List.pdf