About Me

My name is Elizabeth Wright and I have been teaching at El Cajon Valley Valley High School for 19 years. I teach English and AVID. I grew up in San Diego. I attended Point Loma Nazarene University for 2 years, then transferred to San Diego State University where I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in English. Then I attended National University with a Master's Degree in Education. I love being a teacher and was honored with being selected ECVHS Teacher of the Year for the 2017-2018 school year.

I am married and have two beautiful children. My husband Michael is a Physical Education teacher at Crawford High and also a football coach. He was selected Coach of the Year in 2013. My son Dawson is 8 years old and my daughter Alisa is 4 years old. Although I love being a teacher, I love being a wife and mom more than anything else in world! My family is everything in the world to me!!!


Cruise to Belize

My hubby and I

My two loves

San Diego Zoo Dec. 2019

With Santa Dec. 2019

Santa, Dawson, Alisa

With Olaf on our way to see "Frozen 2"