MMHS Digital Portfolios

There are two types of portfolios that MMHS students will create.

Stage 1: Learning Portfolio (Grades 9-11)

This type of digital portfolio demonstrates a global view of a student’s skills, knowledge and performance. As well as academic and personal growth over time.

What it looks like in 9th Grade:

  • Students will set up a digital portfolio and organization structure in their 9th grade technology / geo-tech course.
  • The 9th grade technology / geo-tech course will provide the foundational skills needed for students to independently manage their digital portfolios.
  • Artifacts and reflections are added throughout the school year for all courses. Generally, at least one to three artifacts with reflections should be added for each course, each semester.

What it looks like in 10th-12th:

  • Students will continue adding one to three artifacts and reflections, for each course, each semester.

Stage 2: Showcase Portfolio (Grade 12)

This type of digital portfolio highlights a student's best work and is created at the end of a course, school year, or school career.

What it looks like in 12th grade:

  • In a senior-only course (English or Social Studies) students will review their Learning Portfolio and identify areas of growth, biggest achievements, etc.
  • Students will curate their findings in a new website, presentation, or other multimedia format. This can include class presentations, videos, screencasts, etc.
  • Ideally, students will present their Showcase Portfolio to a live or virtual audience for feedback.