Mindful Moments

What are Mindful Moments?

Mindful Moments are a chance for us to take a moment to learn more about activities, strategies, and resources related to mindfulness.

What exactly is mindfulness?

  • Mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment on purpose.

  • Mindfulness allows for tuning inward and noticing how our breath and body feels.

  • When we are able to regulate our breaths, ground down into our bodies, and wrangle our minds away from what might have been and what will be, we can find a sense of peace.

  • Mindfulness can help us manage stress in a healthy and productive way. Mindfulness techniques can help us feel calm.

Mindful Moments Video Series

Episode 17: De-Stress Tips

Episode 16: Pause and Reflect

Episode 15: Setting Intentions

Episode 14: Paced Belly Breathing

Episode 13: Smiling Is A Healthy Habit

Episode 12: Enjoy What Brings You Joy

Episode 11: WHHS Library Resources

Episode 10: Listening vs. Hearing

Episode 09: Finger Breathing

Episode 08: Tapping (see full-length video)

Episode 07: Using Positive Affirmations Mindfully

Episode 06: Practicing Gratitude

Episode 05: Mindful Breathing

Episode 04: 5-4-3-2-1 Technique

Episode 03: Chair Yoga

Episode 02: Body Scan

Episode 01: What are Mindful Moments and what is mindfulness?

Stay tuned for more upcoming Mindfulness Moments!

Mindful Moments Gallery

West Hills Mindful Moments - Action: Bring to mind people you care about and send love to them.
West Hills Mindful Moments - Action: Focus on the good things you take for granted.
West Hills Mindful Moments - Action: If you find yourself rushing, make an effort to slow down.
West Hills Mindful Moments - Action: Start today by appreciating your body and that you're alive.
West Hills Mindful Moments - Action: Appreciate your hands and all the things they enable you to do.
West Hills Mindful Moments - Action: Look around and spot 3 things you find unusual or pleasant.
West Hills Mindful Moment - Action: Bring to mind people you care about and send love to them.
West Hills Mindful Moment - Action: Get outside and notice how the weather feels on your face.
West Hills Mindful Moments - Action: Have a device-free day and enjoy the space it offers.
West Hills Mindful Moments - Action: Walk a different route today and see what you notice.
West Hills Mindful Moments - Action: Cultivate a feeling of loving-kindness towards others today.
West Hills Mindful Moments - Action: Notice five things that are beautiful in the world outside.

What if my stress is ongoing and significant?

Mindful Moments provide general strategies and resources but are not clinical advice. If you’re experiencing ongoing, significant stress, please sign up to see your school counselor.