TGW - 2021

Here is where you'll find many of the things discussed this week. Here is my working syllabus for the week with what I'd planned to talk about and show - and yes, we didn't always stick to it.

TGW - Working Schedule
Blaker - 50 Great Guitarists
Parts of Guitar Answers.pdf
Parts of Guitar.docx

Handouts - Handouts can be found here. My name is on them, but most all are from the brilliant mind of Glenn McCarthy. Email me if you need some clarification, or help in using them.

Hello Chords
Chord Songs.docx
Home Choice Beginning Guitar Syllabus 2017 - TGW.docx
Times Like These Chords
A Pentatonic Improve
8 good measures - Guitar
Glenn's Chord_Study_Songs.xls