Eating Disorders

Healthy Within

is an Integrative Brain Health Institute and Psychological Wellness Center that offers treatment for Depression, Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Eating Disorders, Anorexia, Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder, Weight Restoration, Parent Teen Issues, Family Conflict, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Cultural Issues/Adjustment, Sexual Trauma, Alcoholism/Substance Abuse, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI), Stroke, and Dementia.

Healthy Within provides a team of psychologists and therapists with extensive background in the treatment of depression, anxiety, PTSD, anorexia, bulimia, TBI, headaches, fibromyalgia, stroke, dementia, autism, and substance abuse. Healthy Within utilizes comprehensive psychotherapy and neurofeedback treatment options to ensure optimal results. We also work closely with some of the best physicians, registered dieticians and naturopathic doctors to ensure that all aspects of the symptoms are treated.

Healthy Within’s treatment methodology is focused on restoring hope and a healthy lifestyle rather than a concentration on the disease. We are very competent in incorporating the neuroscience of emotions and our therapeutic focus is to help a person re-engage in their wholeness and wellness. We believe strongly in the power of the mind/brain to correct itself and thereby, we incorporate numerous treatment components within the Brain Health Institute and Psychological Wellness Center that are non-medication oriented.

Founded by Dr. Divya Kakaiya, PhD in 1985, Healthy Within Brain Health Institute and Psychological Wellness Center offers effective and life-changing treatment options for children, teens, adults, seniors, military, men and women through Neurofeedback sessions, individual therapy, family therapy, couples therapy, and group therapy.

Click on link for more information: Healthy Within