Braves Voices Podcast
Braves Voices Podcast
Braves Voices Podcast
Braves Voices Podcast is ran by Liam Roman. It is uploaded every Friday. Its goal is to inform students about the school, as well as to entertain. The podcast will feature interviews with students, as well as teachers and staff. Anybody can take part in this podcast. This podcast will be run throughout the 23/24 school year.
message from liam
message from liam
Hey, this is a note from Liam, I want to say that this podcast is by far the most fun thing I've partaken in this year, I want to appreciate everyone's support, specially teachers who show my videos to their class. I'll continue to improve my skills as well as the quality of the podcast. Thank you!!!!!
braves voices podcast 7
braves voices podcast 7
Homecoming Game
Braves Voices podcast 8
Braves Voices podcast 8
braves voices podcast 9
braves voices podcast 9
AME Projects