Science Club

Science Club meets in Mrs. Addy's room S5 on Tuesdays at lunch. 

This club is a way for students to share their appreciation for science as well as make connections beyond the classroom. 

Topics will rotate between subjects such as Space, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. 

Meetings will consist of various activities such as watching science videos, debating current science research, and doing fun labs that you don't normally get to do in science classes!

Find our meeting notes here

Class Officers and Positions 2021-2022

President - Audrey Kansas 

Vice President - Julia Baxter

Secretary - 

Treasurer - 

Publicity - 

Members at Large - 

Topics by Month:

If you are interested in attending the meetings for the 2021-2022 school year check out this document: Science club

Meetings are Tuesdays at lunch in  S5. (Science 5) 

You may also sign up for the remind to get information about club meetings by texting @whhsscie to 81010

Watch our video below to learn more about Science Club!

Science Club video.MOV

Meeting 11/17/20 - NASA and Space X Falcon 9 Launch

current event: Falcon 9 crew 1 launch

Meeting 12/1/20- COVID-19 and it's effects on the body

health unit topic/current event: Covid-19's affect on the body

12/8/20- The Human Heart

sc Health Unit lesson 2: The Heart

1/12/21- Guest speaker from Grand Canyon University: Careers in Chemistry and Compounding Lip Balm

1/19/21- The Human Brain

sc Health Unit lesson 3: The brain

1/26/21- The Human Eyes

sc health unit #4: the eyes

2/2/21- The Human Lungs

sc health unit #5: the lungs and respiratory system

2/9/21 Stars

sc astronomy unit #1: Timeline of a Star

2/16/21 Galaxies

sc astronomy unit #2: Galaxies and the Milky Way


Hubble Space Telescope

sc astronomy unit#3- The Hubble Space Telescope

3/9/21 Home Experiment: Lava Lamps!


3/30/21 Astronomers and Theories

sc astronomy unit #4: Astronomers and theories

4/8/21 Our Solar System

sc astronomy unit #5: OUR solar system
sc env. unit #2: EARTH DAY!
sc env. unit #3: ARBOR DAY