Climate Change

Dr. Milankovitch was a Serbian astrophysicist who worked out how orbital changes could account for alternating glacial and interglacial periods. This research has helped show a natural cycle for climate change. Dr. Schrag states that we humans are affecting the natural cycle and are deglaciating the planet faster than it naturally should. He states that we will most likely deglaciate Earth with our extreme carbon dioxide emissions speeding up climate change and that the planet will go back to the normal cycle several hundred thousand years in the future. Carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor are greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere. They absorb some of the radiation from Earth and re-radiate it back to space and to Earth, keeping the planet's surface warm.

CO2 production

The country that gives off the most carbon dioxide per person is the United States. I think there is a difference in carbon dioxide production because there are many more factories in the Unite States than in Tanzania. I don't believe it is fair that most countries who do not contribute to climate change are feeling the negative effects while the countries that are contributing barely feel any negative effects. People are suffering from intense drought, while plants are withering due to lack of water. Since 32% of carbon dioxide emissions come from base load electricity, the average person can help reduce carbon dioxide emissions by using less electricity and switching to solar energy.