The Youth Climate Summit Journal

Guided by the talented journalist, Joey Asher, we Garrison students created this journal for the public to learn about all the amazing initiatives taking place at the 2024 (second-ever) PK-12 Youth Climate Summit in history!

Author Bio: Emily Wynn is an 8th grader at Garrison School. She loves exploring ways to make our planet better. When she's not doing that, you'll find her playing soccer, going on runs through nature, traveling, and diving into the mysteries of space. 

Author Bio: Riley Schacht is an 8th-grade student at Garrison who loves sports, music, theater, and writing. She was the captain of the Garrison modified soccer and basketball teams. Riley is a member of the GUFS Jazz Combo, where she plays trumpet, & played Jafar in Garrison’s Aladdin Kids. She participated in the 2023 Johns Hopkins CTY writing program over the summer. Riley is also the Class President of the Garrison School.

Author Bio: Akari Kawabata is a fierce competitor and likes to channel this zeal into basketball, math,  drawing, and learning Japanese and Korean. A 7th-grader at The Garrison School, Akari was one of this year's Youth Climate Summit Keynote Speakers, addressing climate change over generations. Her favorite sports team is the Golden State Warriors.

Author Bio: Clara Schimming is a 7th Grader at the Garrison Union Free School District. She dedicates her time to marine biology, all things environmental, and loves learning about the world around her. In her free time, Clara loves volleyball, reading, writing, Taylor Swift, traveling, swimming, and playing piano. She is a committed vegetarian, and her favorite thing to do is listen to all kinds of music. 

Author Bio: Perla Flores is a 6th grader at the garrison union free school district. She is a reporter/journalist for  the youth climate summit. In her spare time, she enjoys photography, horse-back riding and playing the flute. Perla is a fun and interesting person to hang out with, and a very dedicated and trustworthy girl.

Author Bio: Catalina Hussung is a 7th Grader at the Garrison Union Free School District who wants to focus on sustainability in fashion by reducing, reusing, and recycling! 

In the writers room with Joey Asher:

More Youth Climate Summit student work:

Explore Student Climate Action in the 2024 Youth Climate Summit Keynote Presentation

Learn from Akari in the 

2023 Youth Climate Summit Keynote Presentation

See Clara & Aria in the 

2022 Youth Climate Summit Keynote Presentation

Learn about the 2023 Journalists below:

Author Bio: Lena  Frey-Pettibone's interests are as versatile and interesting as she is. From rock-climbing and horseback riding, to cheer, theater, and singing, Lena dives head-first into everything of which she's a part. She brings this sense of adventure and interests into every one of her endeavors as a 6th-grader at the Garrison School.

Author Bio: Aria Edgtton's spunk is contagious. Growing up with one foot in New York City and the other in the Hudson Valley, Aria brings her unique worldly perspective to The Garrison School as a 6th-grade student. Whether she's writing, dancing, reading, or hiking, you'll find Aria enjoying the great outdoors in her free time.  Her favorite place in the world is the beach.

Author Bio: Elsa Minkin and her innovative spirit are a model to her 7th-grade peers. She dives deep into the culture of The Garrison School, from performing in plays, band, and chorus, to softball, and everything in between. Elsa has been acting at the Philipstown Depot Theater since she was in 3rd grade, starring as Maria in the The Sound of Music and Charlotte in Charlotte's Web, both in 2022.   

Author Bio: Clara Schimming is a passionate 6th-grader at the Garrison Union Free School District, devoting her energy to marine-biology and all things environmental. In her free time, she enjoys volleyball, musical theater, reading and writing poetry, and traveling. She's a committed vegetarian and environmental advocate. Her favorite animal is an earthworm.

Author Bio: Akari Kawabata is a fierce competitor and likes to channel this zeal into basketball, math,  drawing, and learning Japanese and Korean. Also a 6th-grader at The Garrison School, Akari was one of this year's Youth Climate Summit Keynote Speakers, addressing climate change over generations. Her favorite sports team is the Golden State Warriors.