We need your help to keep this incredible program going! 

Become a steady force

Monthly donations give the stability to plan effectively by providing a reliable funding source. With your generosity, we can continue to fight hunger and feed our neighbours. 

Donate securely through Canada Helps. Please select FEWD from the drop-down menu.

Fund-raise for us!

Host school and work fundraisers, street parties, or get creative and design your own event! Turn celebrations into meaningful fundraisers and give your events another purpose.

Donate securely through Canada Helps and receive a chiritable receipt (over $25). Please select FEWD from the drop-down menu.

Donate Personally

Or as a Gift in Someone's Name

The perfect gift for someone who doesn't need anything and wants to support their community. Every dollar goes directly towards the costs of our program. Together we make a real difference.

Donate securely through Canada Helps and receive a chiritable receipt (over $25). Please select FEWD from the drop-down menu.

How the Money is Spent

Every dollar goes directly towards covering the costs of running our program. These costs include; essential staff wages, rent/upkeep of our commercial kitchen, purchasing/maintaining essential equipment and supplies, containers,  transportation, insurance, licensing and staff/volunteer training. Ask to receive our yearly report!

Corporate Sponsorship

Find out more about opportunities for sponsorship here.