Welcome to Algebra 1


All Google Classroom links are posted in Aeries

Hello! This is my seventh year teaching at Guajome, and I am looking forward to all the innovative methods of teaching and learning we will discover together! I am a firm believer that things aren't perfect, but we can always find something positive (hey, that's math!) in any situation.

Supplies Needed: Chromebook charged & working (camera & microphone)

Graph paper Spiral notebook


I really enjoy smiling and laughing, and I am a horrible joke teller, because I start laughing at my own jokes before I ever finish them.


My favorite hobbies include everything outside! I love to garden, spend time at the ocean, and hike locally.

My Family

My husband and I celebrated our 30th year of being married this year.


Our family adopted Cookie when he was 13. He only has 3 teeth, so sometimes it's hard for him to keep his tongue in his mouth.


This is my youngest daughter's dog, Chappie. He likes to play and eat my furniture.


My personal mascot is a squirrel named "Bob". We have travelled to Florida, China and Hawai'i.

Ratey the Cat

This is Ratey, the Math Cat. Another personal favorite of mine when I teach.

My current favorite quote

My favorite place I've traveled to is Beijing, China

It is really important to take time & appreciate what is around us.

Math is everywhere!!!!!