Food Services


In order to maintain an orderly atmosphere in the cafeteria, the following practices must be followed:

      • There is to be a REASONABLE level of noise in the cafeteria.

      • Students sit at their designated tables and remain seated, unless other permission is granted.

      • There is to be NO throwing of food or other objects.

      • No one is to leave the cafeteria without permission.

      • Students wait to be called for lunch, trash removal, and dismissal.

      • Each student is required to leave the floor and table clean.

      • No food is to be taken out of the cafeteria.


Here at GTMS we offer a breakfast option for students in need of an early meal. Once students arrive to school and enter the building, 7th grade breakfast students are to report directly to the commons, 8th grade breakfast students will report to the cafeteria. Once there, students will pick up a bagged breakfast and then report to their lockers and homerooms. Breakfast is served 7:30 to 7:40 AM. Students who are late to school may miss breakfast.