NS Lookup is a Google Spreadsheets add-on.

This add-on will allow you lookup various DNS records e.g A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, TXT and SOA in bulk. The add-on uses Google's public DNS servers to lookup name server data.

Anyone who deals with public DNS must have used NSLOOKUP Command Line Tool available in major Operating Systems. Google provides public DNS servers with IP Addresses and which we usually use to resolve a domain name and find value for the various type of DNS records. Traditional DNS queries and responses are sent over UDP or TCP.

To make this OS independent and make it more user friendly for G Suite users, we have built this spreadsheet add-on. You just list the domain names in the sheet and select the type of record. And then on a button click, all DNS records data is available to you in the spreadsheet.

NS Lookup Sheets Add-on

The add-on is brought to you by Accemy and SW gApps.