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Isis "Europa"

Pomigliano d'arco


Mario Di Fonza

I am a physics and maths teacher, a Scientix Ambassador, an Eu Codeweek Leading teacher, and an advocate of the importance of the synergy of school subjects and hands-on learning

Sabrina nappi

I am a math teacher. I am involved in projects that meet the real needs and challenges of both society as a whole and local communities. I am a Scientix Ambassador and I'm a territorial trainer of the mathematics and reality "M&R" project .

Josephine Iannone

Hi! I am Josephine an English teacher. I really pleased to take part in this project to enhance my digital and language competencies. This is a good occasion for all of us to meet new colleagues and learn their cultures. The project enhance our professional competence and raise our awareness towards cultural heritage areas. Our students have the opportunity to share with foreigners their experiences and their life styles.




paraschiv Camelia

Ana Maria Cercel

Nicoleta Cindea

Parthenope Univerity, Naples

Francesco conventi

camilla di donato

We’re Experimental Physics researchers and teachers at University “Parthenope” of Naples (Department of Engineering).

We spent many years in the CERN Laboratory in Geneve studying electron-positron scattering processes in the L3 experiment at CERN and

then starting from 2001 he participated in the ATLAS experiment at the LHC proton-proton collider at CERN. We focused on data analysis

and new detector developments for particle physics searches at CERN LHC particle physics collider.

In 2012 we were in the ATLAS data analysis group that discovered the Higgs boson.

Since 2010 we’re involved in many projects to promote scientific culture among young people, combining the languages of art and science.

hunedoara colegiul tehnic "costantin Brâncuși" Petrila

It was founded in 1961, as Middle Mixed School.

Our vision is "Learn to be, teach you to become, learn to be with the others!" and our mission is "Being the only high school in Petrila, we want to give young people access to quality education, diversified through profiles and specializations to ensure the formation of a responsible graduate that will be able to decide on their own orientation, to actively integrate as a European citizen , in a changing social environment!"

It has been named as world-sculptor was named - Constantin Brâncuși. Constantin Brâncuşi was a Romanian sculptor with overwhelming contributions to the renewal of language and plastic vision in contemporary sculpture. Constantin Brâncuşi was elected a postum member of the Romanian Academy. The French and Americans designate it, most often, only by their surname, which they write without diacritical marks, Brancusi, pronouncing it according to the rules of pronunciation of the French.

In Petrila was born Ion Desideriu Sîrbu, an important writer for our community. Ion Desideriu Sîrbu was an author, essayist, playwright, philosopher, journalist and Romanian novelist, especially author of the drawer literature, because of his purge. He signed Ion D. Sîrbu, most often, but also I.D. Sîrbu. Our lyceum has three buildings. The first is the main building. There are two Physics Laboratories, a Biology Laboratory, a Chemistry Lab and two IT Rooms. We also have a library. There are 20 classrooms in total.

The second is an another building. There are seven classrooms: one for Romanian Language, two for Economics , two for English Language, one for Italian Language, one for French Language. Also, there is a psychological cabinet, a medical cabinet and a logopedic cabinet.

The last building is the gym. Here, we can play football, basketball, tennis and we can run. We have a meeting room, which is fully equipped. Since 2016, we have been carrying out e-Twinning projects.Because of these projects, some awarded with the European Certificate of Quality, we take part in the group of the schools which have the eTwinning title. This title allowed us to win the first Erasmus+ projects.

Our school, adapting to the global educational requirements, has developed a robotics club. So, the leader of the group was selected to participate at the 2019 Global Robotics Competition from Detroit. Now, we have another member, semifinalist for the same competition, but from this year.

Helped by NGO, the robotics club managed to open the first robotics hub from the Jiu Valley.

We won the Global Robotics Competition for juniors organised by Element14 from the United States of America. So, we equipped ourselves with 30 micro bits, 5 inventors kits and 15 raspberry pi, being ranked only 10 states from the entire world.

We have also 10 location for our Kinder garden and secondary schools and want to be your partner .

E 08 Colegiul Tehnic Constantin Brancusi Petrila.pptx
