News from the Park 

Parent Newsletter 7 20.10.23

Wow! What an exciting half term we have had! It has been full of amazing learning, excellent choices and an incredible amount of kindness - thank you and well done to all our wonderful Brunswick Park children.


It was lovely to see so many of you at this week's Parent Consultations. It is always such a joy to celebrate your children's successes and achievements with you. 


This week, Year 2 visited the Science Museum to deepen their understanding of polar regions and polar explorers. They took part in the IMAX Cinema 'Antarctica 3D' experience. It was a fully immersive, fascinating experience. They also spent time investigating and exploring other areas of the museum. Well done Year 2 for being super role models and representing Brunswick Park beautifully. 


Year 1 and Year 4 had a fabulous carnival afternoon filled with music and dance as part of their Black History Month learning and celebrations. A big thank you to Michaela (parent) for organising such a fun-filled afternoon!

Year 4 also had an exciting Roman day. They came to school dressed as Romans and had fun learning even more about Boudica. ​


Gina and Miss Fennessy led wonderful assemblies celebrating autumn and harvest time. 


You may have noticed that a new basketball net has appeared in the playground! After last year's success at the Barnet Basketball Competition, which saw us get through to The London Youth Games, the School Council decided our basketball net needed upgrading.  The new hoop arrived on the playground this week to much excitement from the children.  The council also spoke up for the younger years and a new smaller football table has arrived to add to our games area. ​


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continuous support. I wish you a great half term break and look forward to seeing you on Monday 30th October.


Reading with a younger relative is a great way to encourage your children to read.  Year 5 loved reading with Year 1 last week! 

Miss Sumpter

Sadly, we have to say goodbye to wonderful Miss Sumpter who is leaving Brunswick Park. Miss Sumpter has been an incredibly valued member of our Brunswick Park family for almost 10 years and we will miss her very much. She has brought so much energy, passion and kindness to Brunswick Park. 

We would like to thank Miss Sumpter for the wonderful support she has given Brunswick Park children over the years, and we wish her luck as she embarks on new and exciting opportunities. 

Brunswick Park Handwriting Competition


We held an in-school handwriting competition. 

We are delighted by the entries, focusing on the personal effort and the improvement made during the term. Certificates were handed out today in achievement assembly. We were immensely proud of the effort showcased. Congratulations!

Reminder- EYFS and KS1 Phonics Workshop 

We are planning on holding a workshop for EYFS and KS1 parents and carers to share with you how we teach phonics, and how you can support your child with reading at home. The workshop is being held on Tuesday 14th November at 5.30pm. Please kindly email the office on to let us know if you will be attending by Friday 10th November. We hope you can make it. 

Osidge Library

Osidge Library are having a Halloween Craft afternoon on Tuesday 24th October 2.30pm-4.30pm.  It's a drop in session but spaces are limited.​ 

PTA News

On Friday 3rd November the PTA will be holding a meeting after drop at 9am in the Hub.

Estate Agent boards-  If parents do not want to have a board up they can donate £15 on SchoolMoney. The payment can be found in the 'Shop' page.


Please ensure that your child is on time for school - they must be in the playground, ready to line up when the bell rings at 8.50am. Children must not be left unsupervised in the playground before the bell. ​

If your child attends a morning intervention, it is important that they are on time too. If they are late they will miss out on valuable learning and may not be able to attend the session.

We understand that circumstances occur to make you late occasionally but ask that those that are late persistently make a conscious effort to be more punctual.

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal

After half term we will have a poppies in the front office. There will be a collection box and so if you would like a poppy, please pop along and give a donation.

Mr Reisman's PE Awards

Please click the link below for Mr Reisman's PE Awards. 

Dates for the Diary

Monday 30th  October- Back to school 

Friday 3rd November- Non Uniform day for Secret Room donations for the Christmas Fair

Friday 3rd  November - PTA Meeting 9am- Parent Hub

Wednesday 8th  November- Flu Vaccinations- Reception - Year 6

Tuesday 14th  November- EYFS and KS1 Phonics Workshop. 5.30pm

Friday 24th November- Non Uniform day for chocolate and sweet donations for the Christmas Fair

Friday 8th December- Non Uniform day for bottle donations for the Christmas Fair

Saturday 9th  December- Christmas Fair

Attendance and Punctuality


Congratulations to 4C who achieved 99.67% attendance last week. The classes with the best punctuality goes to 3A, 4C  and RA. Well done all.